
XML Section Builder

1,728 bytes added, 21:38, 19 December 2016
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<table class="wikitable"><tr><td style="padding: 10px;"><big>This page has been deprecated</big></td><td style="padding: 10px;">See [[Custom Field Type: Special - XML Data]]</td></tr></table>
* ''Input CSS Class:'' Add a CSS class to the input field
* ''Input Attributes:'' Add HTML attributes to the input field (Example: ''name, size'')
* ''Validation Script:'' Script to validate the input field (Example: ''[this]>100'' or ''[this]==[35_Total_Amount]'' or ''[this].length>0'' or ConvertDateStr([this],'@dateformat@') <= "@Date Field@" or [this]Examples are shown in the section below.split(' ').length<=10)
<pre style="white-space: pre-wrap;
* ''Validation Message:'' Alert when validation script is not true (Example: ''This value must be greater than 100'')
==XML Validation Examples==
===Total Amount greater than 0===
Specifically for validation of Currency formatted column totals.
Total must be greater than $0.00</pre>
===Date is at least 30 days in the future===
<pre>(datediff('@date(currentdate)@',ConvertDateStr([this],'@dateformat@'),'d')) > ('30') && [this].length>0
Please select a date that is at least thirty (30) days from today.</pre>
===Cell is not empty===
Please provide a value.</pre>
===Default not selected in Combo Box===
<pre>[this]!="Default Combo Box Value"
Please select a value.</pre>
"Default Combo Box Value" should be substituted with the default value you have configured, ex. "Select One"
===Integer greater than 0===
Allow only an integer or if your field on the XML is formatted to display/use a comma.
Please provide a numeric value greater than 0.</pre>
===Validate a Date Field From a Level 2 XML Against a Level 1 Field===
This will check if a date field on the application has been updated and validate the date field against it.
E.g. Activity Completion Date cannot exceed Project End Date
<pre>"@parent.Project End Date@"!="" && ConvertDateStr([this],'@dateformat@')<ConvertDateStr('@parent.Project End Date@','@dateformat@')
Please ensure that the Project End Date has been populated and is not greater than the Completion Date.
==Dynamic Rows==
With the Section Builder if you create a section and enter the ''Number of Rows'' as '0', the section will automatically put an '''ADD''' button on the page to add rows dynamically, one by one.
Each row will also have a Delete ('''DEL''') button to remove that specific row. The ''Maximum Number of Rows'' sets the limit for the number of rows the user can create (When the value is set to '0', the user can create an unlimited number of rows). If the user tries to go above this limit when entering data, the system warns the user by displaying the ''Maximum Reached Message''.
'''NOTE:''' The Add and Delete buttons will not appear when you access an XML worksheet from a record that is in [[view mode]].
==See Also==
* [[Custom Field Type: Special - XML Data]]
[[Category:Custom Fields]][[Category:XML]]
Smartstaff, administrator