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Duplicate Check Settings

1,321 bytes added, 17:30, 19 September 2014
Created page with "'''Duplicate Check Settings''' can be configured for the level 1 entity records within a UTA. This allows for the system to prevent users from creating a duplicate record usin..."
'''Duplicate Check Settings''' can be configured for the level 1 entity records within a UTA.
This allows for the system to prevent users from creating a duplicate record using the criteria specified within these settings.

''Note: The fields used as criteria must always contain data in order for the check to function.''

Duplicate Check Settings are located within '''Settings''' > '''Level 1 Entity''' tab

The Duplicate Settings section contains the following:


* '''Name''' - Name of this duplicate check.
* '''Primary Key Fields''' - Dropdown of available fields to be checked against. Multiple fields can be selected. This will tell the system to check against all these fields. System will assume all fields must match in order to be flagged as a duplicate.
* '''Template To Check''' - Specify which template(s) this check applies to.
* '''Status To Check''' - Speficy at which status the duplicate check is run.
* '''Maximum Duplications Allowed''' - This number determines how many duplicates are permitted prior to alerting the user.
* '''Message''' - Text here will appear within the alert box displayed to the user whenever a match/duplicate is found.

==See Also==


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