Visibility Condition

Revision as of 14:29, 13 July 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 14:29, 13 July 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

The Visibility Condition section of Custom Fields and Standard Fields allows you to use logical statements to determine whether a field is visible or not.


  • To make the field visible after 06 February 2009.

  • IMPORTANT: for a visibility condition based the startdate or enddate:
  • Use '@fullstartdate@' rather than '@startdate@'
  • Use '@fullenddate@' rather than '@enddate@'.
This will format the stored date as yyyy-mm-dd so it can be compared using < and >.
'@fullstartdate@' >= '2009-05-01'

  • To make the field visible only if the date in the field named Date Initiated is on or after 2009-01-31
'@Date initiated@' >= '2009-01-31'

  • To make the field visible for a user with roleid 9999
',@me.rolelist@,' REGEXP ',9999,' =1

  • To make the field hidden for a user with roleid 9999
',@me.rolelist@,' REGEXP ',9999,' = 0

  • To make the field visible only when the status is Draft or Open
   * '@status@' in ('Draft','Open') 
Note: The above Visibility Condition would only be used Standard Fields. Custom Fields have a separate Status Field Permission section that can be used.

  • More Examples,
'@Destination City@'='Toronto' 

Note: remember to include the @fieldname@ in single quotes.

See Also

Visibility of Custom Fields can also be controlled using:

For help constructing logical statements for Visibility Condition: