Advanced Logic

Revision as of 15:12, 29 May 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs) (Sample Condition Statements)

Revision as of 15:12, 29 May 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs) (Sample Condition Statements)

Advanced Logic gives System Administrators a higher level of control over the entire interface.

This feature allows control of the visibility and/or access to interface elements such as buttons or tabs based on administrator defined conditions.




This feature is available in 3 places:

  1. Advanced Logic link on the Global Settings page (In the Business & System Configuration section) - to establish system-wide rules.
  2. Advanced Logic link on the Settings Page within each Universal Tracking Application - for rules specific the each UTA.
  3. In the Transaction Types section on Global Settings - for both People and Company Transaction Types

Advanced Logic on Transaction Types only has one control:
It allows you to show/hide the Links button for individual Transaction Types.
The Links button allows a Transaction to be linked to UTAs when viewing the Transaction.


Object: The object that is being controlled. Condition: A logical statement that when true will make the object statement true, and when false will make the object statement false.

  • If the Object says "Show Level 1 Save Button", if the statement in the Condition field is true the Save button will be shown.
  • If the Object says "Hide Top Invoice Tab", if the statement in the Condition field is true the Invoice Tab will be hidden.
  • If the Object says "Disable Delete Level 1 Contacts", if the statement in the Condition field is true, deleting Level 1 contacts will be disabled (meaning deletion won't be possible).

For example, you can disable the Delete button when viewing Contacts at Level 1 for Users in a specific role by using the Advanced Logic setting on the Global Settings page.


In the above example, users in role ID 1234 or role ID 1235 will be prevented from deleting contacts at Level 1.

Sample Conditional Statements

  • '@opportunity.typename@'<>'TemplateName'
- not true for template "TemplateName"
  • '@opportunity.statusid@'='765'
- true for status with ID 765
  • '@opportunity.statusid@' In ('765','766')
- true for statuses with ID 765 and 766
  • '@opportunity.statusid@' Not In ('765','766')
- true for status with IDs other than 765 and 766
  • instr(concat(',','@me.rolelist@',','),',1234,') OR instr(concat(',','@me.rolelist@',','),',1235,')
- true for role IDs 1234 and 1235
Note: concat(',','@me.rolelist@',',') creates a list of all the roleid's associated with the current user, and instr tests to see if the roleid you specified is in the list.
  • 1=0 - never true

See Also

For help constructing logical statements for Advanced Logic: