Advanced Logic
Advanced Logic gives System Administrators a higher level of control over the entire interface.
This feature allows control of the visibility and/or access to interface elements such as buttons or tabs based on administrator defined conditions.
This feature is available in 3 places:
- Global Settings - to establish system-wide rules.
- Universal Tracking Application's Setting's Page - for rules specific the each UTA.
- Transaction Types page - for both People and Company Transaction Types
Advanced Logic on Transaction Types only has one control: It allows you to show/hide the Links button for individual Transaction Types. The Links button allows a Transaction to be linked to UTAs when viewing the Transaction. If you wish to always hide the Link button, in the condition box enter the value 0.
For example, you can disable the Delete button when viewing Contacts for Users in a specific role by using the Advanced Logic setting on the Global Settings page.
This is currently available for: - the Level 2 Copy button. - Hide Notes at Level One, Level Two and Level Three.
i.e. Put the following into the Condition box:
For example, instr(concat(',','@me.rolelist@',','),',9999,') OR instr(concat(',','@me.rolelist@',','),',1111,') where 9999 and 1111 are role ids.
Additonal Examples:
- @status@='new':if the status is set to 'new'.
- 1=0 :setting the condition to be false every time and thus controlling the display of the object.
- '@opportunity.statusid@'='765'
- '@opportunity.statusid@' In ('765','766')
- '@opportunity.statusid@' Not In ('765','766')