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Revision as of 09:55, 15 June 2023 by Ann Vincent (talk | contribs) (On-Demand System Upgrades)

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General Details

Upgrade Dates

Public Cloud Production release date: July 20 2023
Public Cloud Backup release date: June 29 2023

Private Cloud Production (Managed Upgrades) release date: July 27 2023
Private Cloud Backup (Managed Upgrades) release date: July 20 2023


Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.

To watch this video in full screen, please click on the full screen button on the bottom right.

Global System Upgrades

The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:

Major Updates

Password Variables to be Deprecated in November

In the upcoming November 2023 release, password variables will be deprecated for improved security. All systems will be required to use the activation link variable (@activationlink@) to send the user to a page where they can enter their desired password instead of using the password variable (@password@) to send a password to the user in email. Therefore, the following variables will be deprecated and will not work after the November upgrade: @password@, @checkportalpassword@, @checkactivatedpassword@, @randompassword@, and @passwordresetlink@.

If you need help updating email templates for new users or password resets, reach out to our Support team. These email templates are located at Menu Icon > Global Settings > Security tab > Password and Activation Policies > Activation Emails tab. Clicking the Sample Template link will update the templates with the variables that should be used instead.

Depending on how your user signup pages are configured, you may also need to update signup page templates for new users which can be found at Menu Icon > Global Settings > Communications > System Email Templates. You can filter the list by searching for “Signup”.

Updated Look of File Uploader

In the upcoming November 2023 release, the user interface of the file uploader will change slightly throughout the platform. To try this feature before November, you can enable the new uploader by going to Menu Icon > Global Settings > Branding tab > Toggle on Enable New File Uploader.

Minor Updates

Updated Organization Verification Settings

Updated the organization signup page verification settings for the Australian Business Number (ABN) to return and allow field mapping for ACNC registration, TCC status (which exempts charities from having to pay income tax) and DGR1 status (for charities that are endorsed as a deductible gift recipient).

Added Ability to Resize Media During Playback

Added the ability to resize the media player docking well when using the Media Library. If you scroll away while the media is playing, a window will appear which can be resized by clicking and dragging the bottom right-hand corner.

On-Demand System Upgrades

The following features are available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a Global Administrator:

Major Updates

Added AI Features

SmartSimple Cloud +AI integration gives you the ability to utilize large language models (LLM) from within our business process automation platform. LLMs are often utilized to improve productivity, processes, and outcomes. This integration has two modes: interactive and automation.

  • Interactive Mode: This mode of operation occurs on a single object such as a grant application or review. In this scenario, the user can interact with the AI in a call-and-response kind of model. The user might ask the AI to help them rewrite content, translate content into another language, or make content more concise. The user can ask questions (prompts) and follow up with more related questions. The user can also be presented with optional predefined templates to streamline common tasks.
  • Automation Mode: This mode of operation can occur in various areas of the platform, such as web page views or workflows. In this scenario, the system is configured to automatically interact with your chosen 3rd party LLM vendor to do something with or without manual intervention. For example, the system can be configured to automatically generate an executive summary of an application or a summary of the reviewers’ comments. Applications could be prescreened and recommended or the AI could suggest reviewers with subject matter expertise related to the application. In this mode, prompts may be pre-configured and responses may be stored inside your system.

Using the +AI integration requires your own license and an associated fee. Reach out to your account manager or email platformsolutions@smartsimple.com for more information. Once +AI is enabled, you will need to enter the third-party AI service license (such as ChatGPT) at Global Settings > Integrations tab > Integration Key Management.

To set up interactive mode, go to the desired UTA > Configuration Settings > Level 1, 2, or 3 tab > AI. You can create AI templates and set appropriate permissions. Once set up, open a record such as a Level 1 grant application and go to Tools > Work with +AI. This will launch a modal window where you can select pre-configured prompts (templates) or enter improvised prompts for the AI.

For automation mode, the syntax used for prompts in web page views and workflows is:

input text

These parameters are explained as follows:

  • AI service: The AI service being used. If left empty, OpenAI will be used as default.
  • AI function: Set the intended use of the input text. If the text is meant to be static, set the value to "text". If the text is meant to be edited by the AI, set the value to "edit".
  • temperature: Set the desired level of randomness of the generated text, where a value of "0" is the most conservative while a value of "9" is the most random.
  • instruction: Optional parameter when using the edit AI function.

Note: If the AI function parameter has been set to "edit", you must pass instructions to the instruction parameter on how the text should be edited in natural language. For example, "fix the grammar", "make this in the style of a poem", or "translate this into Japanese". For additional help with testing syntax, open a record in Configuration Mode and select the Variable Syntax Helper.





Minor Updates



Notes for Admins

