
Trigger a Workflow from a Custom Browser Script

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#REDIRECT [[Workflow|WorkflowsWorkflows_Overview#Trigger_a_Workflow_from_a_Custom_Browser_Script]] can be triggered based on a value in a [[Custom Fields|custom field]] on the object using a [[Browser|browser]] script. The [[Workflow|workflow]] id is passed to the system from the script.
 ==Syntax==:<font size="3">'''_triggerwf(''objectid'',''workflowid'',''[[Entity IDs|Entity ID]]'');''' </font>  You must first create the workflow. Once it has been created you need to find the workflow ID (''wfid'') as follows:* From the list view of Workflows right-click on the appropriate workflow and select Properties. * The URL/Address displayed will have the ''wfid'': <nowiki></nowiki>For the above example the workflow ID is 98765  In the browser script you would use triggerwf with the following syntax:<br>'''Level 1''': _triggerwf('@opportunityid@',''workflowid'');<br>:Example: _triggerwf('@opportunityid@',98765);  '''Level 2''': _triggerwf('@eventid@',''workflowid'',26);<br>:Example: _triggerwf('@eventid@',98765,26);('''26''' is the objecttype for Level 2 activities, and will be the same for all Level 2 workflows)  '''NOTE''': For [[Workflow|workflows]] triggered by a [[Browser Script]] within a [[UTA]] you should set '''Trigger When''' to '''--Deactivate--''' rather than selecting a [[Status]].  ==Examples==1) To create a button that triggers a workflow at Level 2: Create a [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only – System Variables]] Custom Field. In the '''Text/Link:''' section include the following: <input type="button" class=Button value="Button Label" onClick="_triggerwf('@eventid@',''workflowid'',26);"/>  2) To trigger a workflow based on the value in a [[Custom Field]] at Level 1: In order to trigger workflow #32123 when the Custom Field named ''My Field'' (Custom Field ID 123456) has the value ''This Value'': Create a [[Browser Script]] Custom Field: <pre>function savefunc(frm){if("@My Field@"!="This value" && frm.123456.value=="This value") { alert("The workflow will now be triggered"); _triggerwf('@opportunityid@',32123); DeprecatedPage}return true;}</pre> Notes:* The function [[savefunc]] is run whenever a record is saved.* The if statement will ensure that the workflow is only triggered when the ''My Field'' value is '''changed''' to ''This Value'', not every time the page is saved with with ''This Value''.  ==See Also==* [[Entity IDs]] [[Category:Workflows]][[Category:JavaScript]][[Category:Custom Fields]]
Smartstaff, administrator