

4 bytes removed, 12:13, 11 March 2010
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* '''Is Copy Status''' (Level 2 & 3 only) - When the ''Copy'' button is used to create a copy of a Level 2 or Level 3 record, the new record will have the status that has this setting enabled. If no status is set as '''Is Copy Status''', copied Level 2 or Level 3 records will have the same status as the original record.
* '''Display Buttons''' - Controls which buttons are available to the user for a record at this status. (See [[#Button Options|Button Options]] below).
* '''Submit Button Script Function''' (Level 1 only) - Allows you to define a function or script that is called when the '''Submit''' button is clicked. (See [[#Button Options|Button Options]] below).
* '''Roles That Override Lock''' - The specific [[Role|roles]] that can unlock a locked item. If you enable '''Lock on Status''' and do not set a role, then the item cannot be unlocked.
::'''''Note:''' Any [[Role]] with the UTA [[Manager Permission]] will be able to override the '''Lock on Status''' setting, even if not specified here.''
* It saves the record and changes the status to the status defined in the '''Submit Button Status''' section of the original status.
* ''Note that the label on the Submit button can be defined in the '''Submit Button Label''' section of the status page, so may appear with another name.''
'''Important:''' If a '''''Submit Button Script Function''''' has been defined the Submit button will run that function, and will '''NOT''' perform the tasks listed above.