

246 bytes added, 16:08, 26 August 2013
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To count subtract business days between two dates (''startdate'' and ''enddate'')from a given date, the following code can be used in a [[Custom Field Type: Special – Browser Script|Special Browser script]] field that will populate a [[Custom Field Type: Special – Calculated Value|Calculated Value Custom Field]] with the number of business days between two given datesnew date.
In the [[Custom Field Type: Special – Browser Script|Special Browser script]] field you define the function that calculates subtracts the difference:a number of days from a given date
function bus_date_diffbus_date_subtract()
var frm=document.forms[0]form1; // or document.frmevent at Level 2 or 3 var formatdateformatstr="@dateformat@dd/mm/yyyy"; var start=ConvertDateStr(frm.startdate.value,formatdate); var end=ConvertDateStr(frm.enddate.value,formatdate); var diff=datediff(start,end, "D"formatstr); var i=0; var busdayssub=0-5; for(i=0-1;i<diff>sub;i++--)
var cdate=dateadd(start,'D',i);
var cdatetemp=new Date(); var cdatearr=cdate.split("-"); cdatetemp.setFullYear(parseInt(cdatearr[0]),parseInt(cdatearr[1])-1,parseInt(cdatearr[2])); if(!isHoliday(cdate)||cdatetemp.getDate()==0||cdatetemp.getDate()==6) busdays++sub--;
return busdaysdocument.frmevent.cf_1742956.value=cdate;
In '''Expression''' section of the [[Custom Field Type: Special – Calculated Value|Calculated Value Custom Field]] you would call the function:
Note: The function definition can be changed to accept parameters (fields containing dates) that are passed at the time of calling the function from any [[Custom Field Type: Special – Calculated Value|Calculated Value Custom Field]].
 ==See Also==* [[Manipulating Dates]]* [[busdateadd]]* [[Custom Defined Holidays]] [[Category:Custom Fields]][[Category:JavaScript]][[Category:Date Formats]]