
Web Page View Field Variables

9,543 bytes added, 20:20, 20 September 2007
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The [[Web Page View Field]] provides the ability to display a fully formatted document or web page.

In constructing this type of page HTML is used in conjunction with the following variables.

==Variable List==

<u>'''User Variables'''</u>

'''@me -- means current user'''

'''@me.firstname@ will be replaced by current user's firstname'''





<u>'''UTA Level 1, Sales Opportunity and Job Variables'''</u>













'''@jobquestions@''' - displays as combo boxes

'''@jobquestionsr@''' - displays question only


'''@owner.field@''' Example: '''''' or '''@owner.address@'''

'''@company.field@''' Example: '''''' or '''@company.address@'''

'''@branch.field@''' Example: '''''' or '''@branch.address@'''

<u>'''UTA Level 2 / Activities Variables'''</u>







'''@modifieddate@''' (numeric value including time)

'''@longmodifieddate@''' (text value excluding time)

'''@starthour@''' - (0-23)

'''@starth@''' - (0-12)

'''@startpmam@''' - (PM or AM)


'''@endhour@''' - (0-23)

'''@endh@''' - (0-12)

'''@endpmam@''' - (PM or AM)










Example: @contact.firstname@ or


Example: @assigned.firstname@ or

'''''' (same as assigned)

Example: or

'''@parent.field@''' (Note: All field names should be entirely lower case.)

Example: or @parent.startdate@ or @parent.#id#@

<u>'''Custom Field Variables'''</u>

'''@customfield name@ - by name'''


'''@#customfield id#@ - by id'''

Example: @more information@ or @#17342#@

'''Tip for Users''': It is recommended to use the [[Custom Field|custom field]] id in order to avoid conflicts with possible duplicate field names. The field id can be found in the far right column when looking at the [[Custom Field|custom field]] list.

==Field List==

<u>'''People Fields'''</u>

firstname, lastname, name, title, email, phone, company, address, address2, city,
province, state, country, postalcode, owner, modifieddate, cost, costunit, type,
resourcename, isrecource, prefix, suffix, uphoneext

<u>'''Company Fields'''</u>

name, address, address2, city, province, state, country, postalcode, phone, fax, website

<u>'''Lead Fields'''</u>

status, description, name, phone, fax, address, address2, city, state, province, country,
postalcode, website, firstname, lastname, contactphone, title, email, dat_added

==How to display contact information for people associated in the Contacts section==

'''Use the variable''':



'''rolename = the name of the role that has been assigned to the contact on the Level One item'''

'''field = the name of the field that is located on the contact's record'''.

Example: @contact.adjuster.firstname@ or @contact.project manager.address@

==How to display a list of UTA Level 1 Activities, Contacts or Companies==

'''object= [activity,contact,user,company,association,level-1 (applies to contacts only) or transaction]'''

'''<table>[#(?object=object;orderby=field)<tr><td>~field~</td><td>~field~</td><td>~field~</td><td>$customfield name or id$</td></tr>#]</table>'''




<table>[#(?object=contact;orderby=lastname;criteria=role='Internal People')<tr><td>~firstname~</td><td>~lastname~</td><td>~email~</td></tr>#]</table>

'''To list a specific activity type only''':


e.g. where typename='activity name'


e.g. where typeid='141414'

'''To list activity based on a specific status name or status id''':


e.g. where statusname='status name'


e.g. where'1234'

'''To format the start date and start time''':

~date_format(startdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as startdate~


~date_format(startdate,'%h:%i %p') as starttime~

==How to get a UTA contact role /company role record==


==How to retrieve Level 1 Company /Contact Role custom fields==




fieldid = the numeric id of the custom field

<u>'''Contact Detail'''</u>

~uprefix~ ~firstname~ ~lastname~

~uaddress~ ~uaddress2~

~ucity~, ~ustate~ ~upostalcode~

==How to display a date format==

'''The following date variables are available for a long date format''':





Example: @longstartdate@ returns "Tuesday, November 15, 2005"

'''The following date variables are also available''':

@now@ - full current date and time

@currentdate@ - full current date only

'''To display only specific elements of the current date''':

@month(currentdate)@ - month number

@day(currentdate)@ - day

@year(currentdate)@ - year

@dayweek(currentdate)@ - name of day

@monthname(currentdate)@ - name of month

'''To display only specific elements of the full start date''':

@month(fullstartdate)@ - month number

@day(fullstartdate)@ - day

@year(fullstartdate)@ - year

@dayweek(fullstartdate)@ - name of day

@monthname(fullstartdate)@ - name of month

'''You can also parse out a particular date format in a date field''':

@year(datefield)@ - returns the year value in datefield

@month(datefield)@ - returns the month value in datefield

@day(datefield)@ - returns the day value in datefield

@hour(datefield)@ - returns the hour value in datefield (0-12)

@hour24(datefield)@ - returns the hour value in datefield (0-24)

@minute(datefield)@ - returns the minute value in datefield

@second(datefield)@ - returns the second value in datefield

==How to hide a variable if it is missing==

'''Put <!--hideifnotfound--> in front of variable name like this'''

Example: <!--hideifnotfound-->

==How to display check boxes in the web page view==

'''To display Select Many - Check Box type cutom fields as check boxes in a web page view add @checkbox('customfieldid','option name')@ to the check box control.'''

Example: <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox" @checkbox('12345','yes')@>

==How to suppress the Page Footer with Printing the Page==

To suppress the footer when printing the page you need to change your browser settings.

'''Internet Explorer'''

1. Choose the '''File Page Setup''' [[Menu|menu]].

2. Delete the '''Header''' and '''Footer''' text.

3. If required, change the margins.


1. Choose the '''File Page Setup''' [[Menu|menu]].

2. Click the '''Margins & Header/Footer''' tab.

3. Set all '''Header''' and '''Footer''' options to '''Blank'''.

3. If required, change the margins.

==How to control print behavior==

'''To define a page break place the following code in the HTML source before the content you deem as the next page''':

<div style="PAGE-BREAK-AFTER: always"><br style="height:0; line-height:0"></div>

'''To change the page orientation to landscape first place the following in the header portion (<head></head>) of the HTML''':

<style type="text/css" media="print"> {
writing-mode: tb-rl;
height: 80%;
margin: 10% 0%;
margin-right: 80pt;
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(Rotation=1);

'''Then place <div class="page"></div> in the HTML source around the "page" content.'''

Example: <div class="page">This is the page content that needs to be in landscape</div>

Please note that the page orientation control only works with Internet Explorer and is not the greatest quality print due to the page being converted to an image then rotated.

==How to control print behavior when saving as a PDF==

To define a page break in a PDF add <pd4ml:page.break/> before the content you deem as the next page.

To change the orientation of a page to landscape in a PDF add <pd4ml:page.break pageFormat="rotate"> before the content you deem as the next page.


In the event of 2 variables running together (removing the ending @ and beginning @) the issue can be resolved by placing a non-breaking space tag (&nbsp;) in between each other.

[[Category:Custom Fields]][[Category:Variables]]