
Workflow Task Type: Create New Activity

4,326 bytes removed, 12:49, 21 July 2017
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You can use the '''Create New Activity''' Workflow Task Type to automatically create and attach one or more Level 2 records to a Level 1 record.* This workflow will be driven by a #REDIRECT [[StatusWorkflows_Overview#Task_Type:_Create_New_Activity]] change on the Level 1 record.* The '''Create New Activity''' workflow will also trigger any relevant Auto-assignments, Level 2 Workflows and Level 2 Formulas.
 The workflow can either:* Create the same Level 2 record Type(s) for every Level 1::or * Create a custom set of Level 2 record Types, controlled by a field on the Level 1 record ([[#Custom Field Driven|Custom Field Driven]])  '''IMPORTANT''': because the underlying workflow is [[Status]] driven, if the status of the Level 1 record is changed, and then changed back to the [[Status]] that drives the '''Create New Activity''' workflow, the workflow will be triggered a second time, and a new set of Level 2 records will be created as per the Workflow. ==Options==:[[Image:CreateActiv.png]]The options unique to this Workflow Task Type are:*'''Activity Type''': This is where you specify which Level 2 Type you wish to create. :* ''The '''Custom Field''' option is explained in [[#Custom Field Driven|Custom Field Driven]] below.'':* If you wish to create more than one Level 2 Type you should create multiple '''Create New Activity''' Workflow Tasks, one for each Level 2 record you want to be created.*'''Custom Field ID''': Used for [[#Custom Field Driven|Custom Field Driven]] as explained below.<br>*'''Activity Status''': Allows you to define the [[Status]] for the newly created Level 2 record(s).  ==Custom Field Driven==The '''Create New Activity''' workflow can be driven by a [[Custom Field]]. For example, you could have check boxes at Level 1 corresponding to various Level 2 Types. Selecting each check box would create and attach the relevant Level 2 activity type.* The '''Create New Activity''' workflow will also trigger any relevant Auto-assignments, Level 2 Workflows and Level 2 Formulas for each Level 2 record created. You must first create a [[Custom Field]] on the Level 1 record which stores the [[Determining the typeid|typeid(s)]] of the Level 2 Types to be created. This is normally done using one of the following field types:* To create multiple Level 2 records::* [[Custom Field Type: Select Many – Check Boxes|Select Many – Check Boxes]]:* [[Custom Field Type: Select Many – Scrolling Check Box|Select Many – Scrolling Check Box]]:* [[Custom Field Type: Select Many – List Box|Select Many – List Box]]<br>* To create only one Level 2 record::* [[Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box|Select One – Combo Box]] Rather than displaying the [[Determining the typeid|typeid(s)]] of the Level 2 Types you would normally want to display the name of the Level 2 Type, or some other more descriptive value to the user who is filling in the Level 1 record. Thus you would use the following special syntax for the '''Values''' section of the [[Custom Field]]:  typeid1=DisplayValue1;typeid2=DisplayValue2;typeid3=DisplayValue3;:''Where the typeids are the the typeids of each Level 2 Type, and the DisplayValues are the names of the Level 2 Types, or any other text you wish to display.''The value '''before''' the equal sign (the ''typeid'') will be stored. The value '''after''' the equal sign is what will be displayed by each check box (or in the Combo Box), but does not get saved.  '''Example:''':[[Image:CFEx.png]]  Once you have created the [[Custom Field]] that will be used to control the '''Create New Activity''' Workflow Task, use the following settings on the Workflow Task:*'''Activity Type''': Select '''Custom Field'''. *'''Custom Field ID''': Enter the Custom Field ID of the [[Custom Field Type: Select Many – Check Boxes|Select Many – Check Boxes]] or [[Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box|Select One – Combo Box]] created above.*'''Activity Status''': Select the [[Status]] you want for the newly created Level 2 record(s).  <u>'''IMPORTANT'''</u>You must also enable Level 1 Workflows on the Level 1 Template:* On the UTA Settings Page select '''Templates'''* For each Template you want Workflows for::* Click on the name of the Template:* Click '''Edit Template''':* Change the Level 1 Templates to '''Yes''' and save the Template.    ==See Also==* [[Determining the typeid]]* [[Enabling Workflows in the UTA]]  [[Category:Workflows]]{{DeprecatedPage}}
Smartstaff, administrator