
Deprecated - Custom Field Type: Select One – Multi-Level Combo

1,700 bytes added, 19:28, 17 September 2007
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<u>'''Field Display'''</u>

'''Edit Mode'''


'''View Mode'''


<u>'''General Description'''</u>

Displays up to three combo boxes linked by the selected value. When the [[User|user]] selects a value for the first combo box only the related values are displayed in the second combo box.

<u>'''Field Options'''</u>

* '''Allow Empty''': No
* '''Default Text''': N/A
* '''Options''': Values
* '''Track Changes''': Yes
* '''Store To Value''': Yes

<u>'''Special Options for Field'''</u>

The values for the combo are setup as the primary value separated by the related secondary value by a “\”. Each value set is separated by a semi-colon.
Canada\Ontario;Canada\British Columbia; United States\California; United States\Texas;United Kingdom\South East; United Kingdom\North East

<u>'''Field Validation'''</u>

* '''Type''': N/A
* '''JavaScript Validation''': N/A
* '''Message''': N/A
* '''HTML Tag''': N/A

<u>'''Field Formatting Options'''</u>

* '''Height''': Yes '''Measure''': Pixels '''Default''':
* '''Width''': Yes '''Measure''': Pixels '''Default''': N/A
* '''Number Format''': N/A
* '''Style''': Yes
* '''Tool Tip''': Yes

The height and width defines the size of the IFRAME that holds the combo boxes. The width of the combo boxes are 100% of the IFRAME dimensions or content in the combo box, whichever is greater.


In the example shown above two combo boxes are shown – one displaying countries and the other displaying states or regions. Depending on the value selected in the first combo box, a different set of values will be displayed in the second combo box.

[[Category:Custom Fields]]