
Custom Field Type: Special – MS Word Merge

10 bytes removed, 22:38, 15 April 2009
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'''SmartDoc plug-in document uploading:'''
* To use the [[SmartDoc for Microsoft Word Integration|SmartDoc]] [[Plug-In|plug-in]] to upload a Word document you need to specify the field within SmartSimple that will be used to store the document. It can be either a [[Custom Field Type (33): Link – Single File|Single File]] or [[Custom Field Type (80): Link – Multiple Files|Multiple File]] field.
* The field name is set in the MS Word Merge Field type - [[Custom Field]] setting.
* All [[Custom Field Type (33): Link – Single File|Single File]] and [[Custom Field Type (80): Link – Multiple Files|Multiple File]] fields on the same level as the MS Word Merge field will be available in the '''Value Stores To''' combo box.
* Each user will need to download and install the latest version of the [[SmartDoc for Microsoft Word Integration|SmartDoc]] [[Plug-In|plug-in]] to take advantage of this feature.