
Variable List

8,177 bytes added, 24 January
Organization Categories
==System Variables==
''This refers to [[System Variables]] defined on the [[Global Settings]] page''
* '''@system.'''''customfieldname'''''@'''
==System Library Variables==
''This refers to System Library Variables defined on the [[Global Settings]] page''
* '''@system.library.'''''variable name'''''@'''
'''Note''': Library variables are available in all instances but can only be created and edited by SmartSimple.
==System-Wide Variables==
'''@now@''' * Inserts the current date and time
* Inserts the current date and time This can be used in most areas where variables are called
* This can be used in most areas where variables are called
==Web Page View Variables==
'''@now@''' * Inserts the current system date ==Local Time Variable=='''@currentdatelocalhour(fullstartdate)@'''
* Inserts Adding the word local before the variable displays the hour based on the current system date time zone and not default Eastern time. The same can be used for minutes and for am/pm.
==Universal Tracking Application Variables==
===Level 1===
{| class="wikitable"
|+style="text-align:left"|Level 1 Field Name and Variable List
!|Field Name
||level 1 name field
||level 1 type field
||level 1 status field
||level 1 start date
||level 1 end date
||level 1 contact
||level 1 custom field
||No variables
||Activity List
||No variables
||Application Name
||Application Template Type
||Application Template Type Caption
||Application Template Type Language
||Branch ID
||Close Date
||No variables
||Currency Name
||Currency Code
||Exchange Currency  Name
||Exchange Currency Code
||Currency Exchange Rate
||End Date
||End Time
||No variables
||Modified By
||@modifiedby@ (username); @modifiedbyid@ (userid)
||Modified Date
||Owner (full name)
||Owner (full name - Consumer/Provider reference)
||Owner (userid)
||Person (full name)
||Person (userid)
||@revenue.value@ (unformatted number without comma separators)
||Start Date
||Start Time
||Status ID
||Status Caption
||Status Language
||Status Name
||No variables
<u>===Level 2==={| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Level 2 Field Names and Variables List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||'''Activity Type'''||@type@|-||'''Activity Type [[Caption]]'''||@typecaption@|-||'''Activity Type ID'''||@typeid@|-||'''Amount'''||@eamount@|-||'''Assigned Links'''||''No variables''|-||'''Assigned People'''||@assigned@|-||'''Contact Links'''||''No variables''|-||'''Contact People'''||@contact@|-||'''Contact User ID'''||@contact.userid@ -- Returns one only, even with multiple contacts assigned|-||'''Description'''||@description@|-||'''Duration'''||@span@|-||'''End Date'''||@enddate@|-||'''End Hour''' (0-23)||@endhour@|-||'''End Hour''' (1-12)||@endh@|-||'''End Hour AM or PM'''||@endampm@|-||'''End Minute'''||@endminute@|-||'''End Time'''||@endhour@:@endminute@|-||'''Event ID'''||@eventid@|-||'''Follow-up Days'''||''No variables''|-||'''Follow-up Sent'''||''No variables''|-||'Level One''Follow-up Type'''||''No variables''|-||'''Location'''||@location@|-||'''Object ID''' (Parent system ID)||@objectid@|-||'''Object Type'''||@objecttype@|-||'''Owner'''||@owner@|-||'''Owner ID'''||@eownerid@|-||'''Parent Name'''|||-||'''Reminder Days'''||''No variables''|-||'''Reminder Sent'''||''No variables''|-||'''Reminder Type'''||''No variables''|-||'''Root Company ID'''||@rootcompanyid@|-||'''Start Date'''||@startdate@|-||'''Start Hour''' (0-23)||@starthour@|-||'''Start Hour''' (1-12)||@starth@|-||'''Start Hour AM or PM'''||@startampm@|-||'''Start Minute'''||@startminute@|-||'''Start Time'''||@starthour@:@startminute@|-||'''Status'''||@status@|-||'''Status [[Caption]]'''||@statuscaption@|-||'''Subject'''||@subject@|-||'''Updated By'''||@updatedby@ -- Displays system ID, not name|-||'''Updated By Name'''||@updatedbyname@ -- Displays the name|-||'''Whole Day Event'''</u>||@isallday@|}
* '''level 1 name field''' - @name@ ===Level 3==={| class="wikitable"* '''level 1 type field''' |+style="text- @type@ align:left"|Level 3 Field Names and Variables* '''level 1 status field''' |- @status@ * '''level 1 start date''' - @startdate@ !|Field Name* '''level 1 end date''' - @enddate@ !|Variable* '''level 1 contact''' |- @contact@ * ||'''level 1 custom fieldAssociated Parent''' - @customfieldname@ * '''level 2 type field''' - ||@childlinkparent.type@* ''fieldname'level 2 status''' - @child.status@ * '''level 2 startdate''' |- @child.startdate@ * ||'''level 2 startdateGeneral''' - @child.enddate@ * '''level ||Level 3 uses the same variables as Level 2 contact''' - * '''level 2 custom fields''' - @child.customfieldname@ |}
* '''Accounts''' - No variables ===Calling a Level 1 Variable at Level 2===* '''Activity List''' - No variables * '''Application Name''' - @name@ * '''Application Template Type''' - @type@ * '''Branch''' - @parent.branch@ * '''Close Dateor ''' - @closedate@ * '''Contacts''' - No variables * '''Currency''' - @currency@ * '''Customer''' - @parent.client@ * '''Description''' - @description@ * '''End Date''' - @enddate@ * '''End Time''' - @hour(fullenddate)@will be replaced by company name and other fields can be referenced like this:@minute(fullenddate)@ * '''Folders''' - No variables * '''Modified Date''' - @modifieddate@ * '''Owner''' - @owner@ * '''Probability''' - @probability@ * '''Requirement''' - @requirements@ * '''Revenue''' - @revenue@ * '''Start Date''' - @startdate@ * '''Start Time''' - @hour(fullstartdate)@:@minute(fullstartdate)@ * '''Status''' - @status@ * '''Workflow''' - No variables
<u>'''Level Two Variables'''</u> * '''Activity Type''' - @type@* '''Amount''' - @eamount@* '''Assigned Links''' - No variables* '''Assigned People''' - @assigned@* '''Contact Links''' - No variables* '''Contact People''' - @contact@* '''Description''' - @description@* '''Duration''' - @span@* '''End Date''' - @enddate@* '''End Hour''' (0-23) - @endhour@* '''End Hour''' (1-12) - @endh@* '''End Hour AM or PM''' - @endampm@* '''End Minute''' - @endminute@* '''End Time''' - @endhour@:@endminute@ * '''Event ID''' - @eventid@* '''Follow-up Days''' - No variables* '''Follow-up Sent''' - No variables* '''Follow-up Type''' - No variables* '''Location''' - @location@* '''Object ID''' (Parent system ID) - @objectid@* '''Object Type''' - @objecttype@* '''Owner''' - @owner@* '''Parent Name''' -* '''Reminder Days''' - No variables* '''Reminder Sent''' - No variables* '''Reminder Type''' - No variables* '''Root Company ID''' - @rootcompanyid@* '''Start Date''' - @startdate@* '''Start Hour''' (0-23) - @starthour@* '''Start Hour''' (1-12) - @starth@* '''Start Hour AM or PM''' - @startampm@* '''Start Minute''' - @startminute@* '''Start Time''' - @starthour@:@startminute@* '''Status''' - @status@* '''Subject''' - @subject@* '''Updated By''' - @updatedby@ -- Displays system ID, not name* '''Whole Day Event''' - @isallday@ ==Calling a Level One Variable at Level Two== '''@parent.branch@''' or '''@parent.client@''' will be replaced by company name and other fields can be referenced like this: * '''@parent.branch.address@'''
* ''''''
* '''@parent.branch.customfield@''' * '''@parent.firstname@''' * '''@parent.lastname@''' * '''@parent.description@''' * '''@parent.status@''' * '''@parent.person.fieldname@''' - fieldname will be replaced by the variables listed below for the '''Person''' [[Standard Field]] at Level 1.
whatever fields available for company object. <u>'''Variables for People'''</u>
* ==Contacts/Users=={| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Contacts/Users Field Names and Variables|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||'''First name''' - ||@firstname@* |-||'''Last Middle name''' - ||@lastnamemiddlename@* |-||'''Full Last name''' - ||@fullnamelastname@* |-||'''TitleFull name''' - ||@titlefullname@* '''Email address''' |- @email@* ||'''Phone''' - ||@phone@* |-||'''Phone extension''' - ||@uphoneext@* |-||'''Company name''' - ||@company@* |-||'''Address''' - ||@address@* |-||'''Address 2''' - ||@address2@* |-||'''City''' - ||@city@* |-||'''Province''' ||@province@ - If using abbreviated store values use get the full name * |-||'''State''' - ||@state@* |-||'''Country''' ||@country@|- ||'''Country Code''' (2 letter abbreviation)||@countrycountrycode@* |-||'''Postal code''' ||@postalcode@|- ||'''Primary Address'''||@primaryaddress@postalcode- used with [[Multiple Address Types]]. See [[Address Book Template]]|-||'''Address Book'''||@addressbook@ - used with [[Multiple Address Types]]. See [[Address Book Template]]|-||'''US Region name from an actual address record'''|||-||'''US Region ID from an actual address record'''||* |-||'''Owner''' - ||@owner@* |-||'''Last updated''' ||@modifieddate@|- ||'''Last logged in'''||@modifieddatelastlogin@* |-||'''Cost''' - ||@cost@* |-||'''Cost unit''' - ||@costunit@* |-||'''Type''' ||@type@ (returns 'User', 'Local User Administrator' or 'Global User Administrator')|- ||'''Access Type'''||@typeaccesstype@ (returns 'Administration or Portal Interface', 'User Centric or Applicant Interface', 'Web Service User' or 'No Access')|-||'''Access Type ID'''||@accesstypeid@''0=No Access;1=Administration or Portal Interface;3=User Centric or Applicant Interface;5=Web Service User;''|-* ||'''Resource name''' - ||@resourcename@* |-||'''Is contact a resource?''' - ||@isresource@* |-||'''Prefix''' - ||@prefix@* |-||'''Suffix''' ||@suffix@|-||'''Unique Identifier'''||@uuid@ This is a system-generated code that is unique to each contact. For example: ''6BCC 98SF EFC6 FFFB 270C 606''|- ||'''Language'''||@suffixlangname@ The Language name in the [[Personal Settings]] of the contact (i.e.: ''@me.langname@'' or ''@owner.langname@'')|-||'''Language ID Code'''||@langid@ The Language selected in the [[Personal Settings]] of the contact (i.e.: ''@me.langid@'' or ''@owner.langid@''). See [[Language|here]] for more information|-||'''User's Time Zone setting'''||@sstimezone@(can be used to calculate user's relative date/time)|}
==When calling on Level 1 and Level 2 information from a Level 2 Workflow==
{| class="wikitable"
|+style="text-align:left"|Calling L1 and L2 fields from a L2 Workflow
!|Field Name
||'''level 1 name field'''
||'''level 1 status'''
||'''level 1 start date'''
||'''level 1 end date'''
||'''level 1 contact'''
||'''level 1 custom fields'''
||'''level 2 type field'''
||'''level 2 status field'''
||'''level 2 start date'''
||'''level 2 end date'''
||'''level 2 contact'''
||'''level 2 custom field'''
* '''level ==Parent can be Company, Level 1 name field''' - * '''level 1 type field''' - @parent.type@ * '''level 1 status''' - @parent.status@* '''level 2 startdate''' - @parent.startdate@ * '''level 2 startdate''' - @parent.enddate@* '''level 1 contact''' - * '''level 1 custom fields''' - @parent.customfieldname@* '''level 2 type field''' - @type@* '''level 2 status field''' - @status@* '''level 2 start date''' - @startdate@ * '''level 2 end date''' - @enddate@* '''level 2 contact''' - @contact@* '''level 2 custom field''' - @customfieldname@ , Opportunity or Leads==
{| class="wikitable"|+style=Parent can be "text-align:left"|Level 1 Name and Variable List|-!|Name!|Variable|-||'''Primary Contact'''||@primarycontact@|-||'''Company, Level Name'''||@name@|-||'''Address'''||@address@|-||'''Address 2'''||@address2@|-||'''City'''||@city@|-||'''Province'''||@province@ - If using abbreviated store values use to get the full name|-||'''Postal code'''||@postalcode@|-||'''Country'''||@country@|-||'''Country Code''' (2 letter abbreviation)||@countrycode@|-||'''Latitude'''||@lat@|-||'''Longitude'''||@lng@|-||'''Phone number'''||@phone@|-||'''Fax number'''||@fax@|-||'''Owner'''||@owner@|-||'''Website'''||@website@|-||'''Custom fields'''||@customfields@|-||'''NAIC Code 1, Opportunity or Leads=='''||@naiccode1@|-||'''NAIC Code 2'''||@naiccode2@|-||'''Last updated'''||@modifieddate@|-||'''Last updated by'''||@updatedbyname@|-||'''Category custom fields'''||@Field Name@|}
* '''Primary Contact''' - @primarycontact@
* '''Company Name''' - @name@
* '''Address''' - @address@
* '''Address 2''' - @address2@
* '''City''' - @city@
* '''Province''' - @province@
* '''State''' - @state@
* '''Postal code''' - @postalcode@
* '''Country''' - @country@
* '''Phone number''' - @phone@
* '''Fax number''' - @fax@
* '''Owner''' - @owner@
* '''Website''' - @website@
* '''Custom fields''' - @customfields@
* '''NAIC Code 1''' - ?
* '''NAIC Code 2''' - ?
* '''Last updated''' - @modifieddate@
* '''Last updated by''' - ?
* '''Associates''' - ?
* '''Category custom fields *Cannot use underscore!''' - Use the field name in @s
==Opportunity, Level 1==
{| class="wikitable"
|+style="text-align:left"|Opportunity & Level 1
!|Field Name
||'''Close Date'''
||'''Company field'''
||'''Created Date'''
||'''End Date'''
||'''End Time'''
||No variables
||'''Opportunity Source'''
||'''List Job Questions (with combo boxes)'''
||@jobquestions@ ''Only for opportunities that use the recruiting template''
||'''List Job Questions (just questions)'''
||'''List Job Skills'''
||'''Modified Date'''
||'''Number of filled positions'''
||'''Number of open positions'''
||'''Opportunity Name'''
||'''Opportunity Type'''
||'''Start Date'''
||'''Start Time'''
||'''Template type number'''
<!--* '''Accounts''' - No variables
* '''Activity List''' - Is not displaying information properly, according to Wiki call guide
* '''Applicants''' - No information on how to call applicants in Wiki -->==Leads=={| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Leads Variable List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-* ||'''BranchStatus''' ||@status@|- ||'''Company'''||@branchname@ * |-||'''Close DateAddress''' ||@address@|- ||'''Address 2'''||@closedateaddress2@ * |-||'''Company fieldCity''' ||@city@|- ||'''Province'''||@company.fieldprovince@ * |-||'''ContactsCountry''' - ||@contact.rolename.fieldcountry@ * |-||'''CurrencyPostal''' - ||@currencypostalcode@ * |-||'''CustomerPhone''' - ||@clientphone@ * |-||'''DescriptionFax''' - ||@descriptionfax@ * |-||'''End DateWeb Site''' - ||@enddatewebsite@ * |-||'''End TimeFirst Name''' - ||@hour(fullenddate)firstname@:|-||'''Last Name'''||@minute(fullenddate)lastname@ * |-||'''FoldersPrefix''' ||@prefix@|- No variables * ||'''Opportunity SourceSuffix''' - ||@leadsourcesuffix@ * |-||'''List Job Questions (with combo boxes)Title''' - ||@jobquestionstitle@ Only for opportunities that use the recruiting template* |-||'''List Job Questions (just questionsContact)Phone''' - ||@jobquestionsrcontactphone@ * |-||'''List Job SkillsEmail''' - ||@jobskillsemail@ * |-||'''Modified DateDescription''' - ||@modifieddatedescription@ * |-||'''Number of filled positionsDate Added''' - ||@candidatefilleddat_added@ |} <!--* '''Number of open positionsCampaign''' - @openpositions@ Don’t know--><!--* '''OwnerNAIC 1''' - @owner@ Don’t know  * '''Opportunity NameNAIC 2''' - @name@ Don’t know--><!--* '''Opportunity TypeExt.''' - @type@ Don’t know--><!--* '''ProbabilityOwner/Owner.field''' - Don’t know-->==Email Broadcast=={| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Email Broadcast Variable List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||'''@probabilityrolename.customfield@ '''* |||-||'''Requirements@randompassword@''' ||Generates a new password when sending to user|- ||'''@requirementspassword@ '''||Generates a new password when sending to user|-* ||'''Revenue@email@''' ||Sends the username/E- mail|-||'''@revenueuserid@ '''||Sends the user id|-* ||'''Start Date@sender.''fieldname'' - @startdate@ '''||manner of referencing details of the user who is sending the email|}* : '''Start TimeNote:''' - @hour(fullstartdate)@:* examples:''@minute(fullstartdate) '' will return the address of the sender's company.:* Includes '''StatusAll standard contact fields''' - @status@ :* Includes '''Template type numberAll standard company fields''' - @templatetype@
==LeadsContacts== {| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Level 1 Field Name and Variable List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||'''First name of contact or lead'''||@firstname@|-||'''Last name of contact or lead'''||@lastname@|-||'''Full name of contact or lead'''||@fullname@|-||'''Title of contact or lead'''||@title@|-||'''Email address of contact or lead'''||@email@|-||'''Phone number of contact or lead'''||@phone@|-||'''Address of contact or lead'''||@address@|-||'''City of contact or lead'''||@city@|-||'''State/Province of contact or lead'''||@state@|-||'''Country of contact or lead'''||@country@|-||'''Country Code of contact or lead'''||@countrycode@|-||'''Zip/Postal code of contact or lead'''||@postalcode@|-||'''Company name of contact or lead'''||@companyname@|-||'''Contact address - not available for lead'''||@caddress@|-||'''Contact city - not available for lead'''||@ccity@|-||'''Contact state/province - not available for lead'''||@cstate@|-||'''Contact country - not available for lead'''||@ccountry@|-||'''Contact postal code - not available for lead'''||@cpostalcode@|-||'''Contact fax - not available for lead'''||@cfax@|-||'''Web site for lead - not available for contact'''||@cwebsite@|-||'''First name of the sender'''||@senderfirstname@|-||'''Last name of the sender'''||@senderlastname@|-||'''Name of sender company'''||@sendercompany@|-||'''E-mail of sender'''||@senderemail@|-||'''Phone number of sender'''||@senderphone@|-||'''Title of sender'''||@sendertitle@|-||'''Current date and time format selected by the user in their personal settings ? long date format'''||@now@|-||'''Description field content'''||@objectdescription@|}
* '''Status''' - @status@ * '''Campaign''' - Don’t know * '''Company''' - @name@ * '''Address''' - @address@ * '''Address 2''' - @address2@ * '''City''' - @city@ * '''Province''' - @province@ * '''Country''' - @country@ * '''Postal''' - @postalcode@ * '''Phone''' - @phone@ * '''Fax''' - @fax@ * '''Web Site''' - @website@ * '''NAIC 1''' - Don’t know * '''NAIC 2''' - Don’t know * '''First Name''' - @firstname@ * '''Last Name''' - @lastname@ * '''Prefix''' - @prefix@ ==Roles==* '''Suffix''' - @suffixrolelist@ * '''Title''' - @title@ * '''(Contact) Phone''' - @contactphone@ * '''Extprovides a list of [[roleid]]s corresponding to the roles the user belongs to.''' - Don’t know * '''Email''' - @email@ * '''Description''' - @description@ * '''Owner/Owner.field''' - Don’t know * '''Date Added''' - @dat_added@
==Email Broadcast== @me.rolelist@
* '''All standard contact fields'''* '''All standard company fields'''* '''@rolename.customfield@'''* '''@randompasswordprimaryroleid@''' - Generates a new password when sending to provides the id for the user* '''@password@''' - Generates a new password when sending to user* '''@username@''' - Sends s primary role. Do not use the username* ''prefix '@userid@me.''' - Sends the user id.
==Contacts== @primaryroleid@
* '''First name of contact or lead''' - @firstname@ * '''Last name of contact or lead''' - @lastname@ * '''Title of contact or lead''' - @title@ * '''Email address of contact or lead''' - @email@ ==Organization Categories==* '''Phone number of contact or lead''' - @phonecatlist@ * '''Address of contact or lead''' - @address@ * '''City of contact or lead''' - @city@ * '''State/Province of contact or lead''' - @state@ * '''Country of contact or lead''' - @country@ * '''Zip/Postal code of contact or lead''' - @postalcode@ * '''Company name of contact or lead''' - @companyname@ * '''Contact address ? not available for lead''' - @caddress@ * '''Contact city ? not available for lead''' - @ccity@ * '''Contact state/province ? not available for lead''' - @cstate@ * '''Contact country ? not available for lead''' - @ccountry@ * '''Contact postal code ? not available for lead''' - @cpostalcode@ * '''Contact fax ? not available for lead''' - @cfax@ * '''Web site for lead ? not available for contact''' - @cwebsite@ * '''First name of  lists the sender''' - @senderfirstname@ * '''Last name roleid of each Organization Category the sender''' - @senderlastname@ * '''Name of sender company''' - @sendercompany@ * '''E-mail of sender''' - @senderemail@ * '''Phone number of sender''' - @senderphone@ * '''Title of sender''' - @sendertitle@ * '''Current date and time format selected by the user in their personal settings ? long date format''' - @now@ * '''Description field content''' - @objectdescription@ (Account/Organization) belongs to.
==Roles== @me.parent.catlist@'''@categories@''' lists the category names of each Organization Category the company (Account/Organization) belongs to.
''' @currentuseridme.parent.categories@'''
==Custom Fields attached to Roles==
==[[Using Variables in the Report Builder|Variables available for Report criteria]]== 
* '''@userid@'''
* '''@companyid@'''* '''@objectid@'''
The following variable is used to report on data that is on records in a sub-company
@company.childid(x)@ where x is index of children ordered by name (1,2,3,4,5,6....n)
==Using Variables in the Report Template Header==
* '''@args[1]@, @args[2]@''' - used within Report Template Header to obtain the criteria entered by users.
* '''@runtime@''' - used within Report Template Header to obtain date/time report was run.
==Applicant Tracking Email Template Variables==
The following variables are used to create email templates:
<u>'''Job Fields'''</u>
* {| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Job Fields Variable List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||@job.titlename@ - ||'''Job titlename'''.* |-||@job.client@ - ||'''Associated name of the client'''.* |-||@job.stage@ - ||'''Status of the job'''.* |-||@job.closedate@ - ||'''Hiring close date of the job'''.* |-||@job.manager@ - ||'''Hiring Manger – set on the job page'''.* |-||@job.description@ - ||'''Job description'''.* |-||@job.type@ - ||'''Template name for this job'''.* |-||@job.startdate@ - ||'''Job start date'''.* |-||@job.enddate@ - ||'''Job end date – contract only'''.* |-||@job.requirements@ - ||'''Job requirements'''* |-||@job.openpositions@ - ||'''Number of open positions'''.* |-||@job.applicantfilled@ - ||'''Number of hired applicants'''.* |-||@job.branch@ - ||'''Internal branch name associated with this job'''.* |-||@job.branch.address@ - ||'''Internal branch address 1'''.* |-||@job.branch.address2@ - ||'''Internal branch address 2'''.* |-|| - ||'''Internal branch city'''.* |-||@job.branch.state@ - ||'''Internal branch state/province'''.* |-|| - ||'''Internal branch phone number'''.* |-|| - ||'''Internal branch country'''.* |-||@job.branch.postalcode@ - ||'''Internal branch zip/postal code'''.* |-|| - ||'''Internal branch web site address'''.* |-||@job.client@ - ||'''Client name'''.* |-||@job.client.address@ - ||'''Client address one'''.* |-||@job.client.address2@ - ||'''Client address two'''.* |-|| - ||'''Client city'''.* |-||@job.client.state@ - ||'''Client state/province'''.* |-|| - ||'''Client phone number'''.* |-|| - ||'''Client country'''.* |-||@job.client.postalcode@ - ||'''Client zip/postal code'''.* |-|| - ||'''Client web site'''.* |-||@job.custom@ - ||'''Custom field associated with the job template. For example @job.additionalinfo@'''|}
==Applicant Fields==
{| class="wikitable"* |+style="text-align:left"|Applicant Fields Variable List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||@applicant.firstname@ - ||'''First name of the applicant'''.* |-||@applicant.lastname@ - ||'''Last name of applicant'''.* |-||@applicant.title@ - ||'''Title of applicant'''.* |-|| - ||'''Email address of applicant'''.* |-|| - ||'''Phone number of applicant'''.* |-||@applicant.address@ - ||'''Address of applicant'''.* |-|| - ||'''City of applicant'''.* |-||@applicant.state@ - ||'''State/Province of applicant'''. * |-|| ||'''Country of applicant'''|- ||@applicant.countrycode@||'''Country code (2 letter abbreviation) of applicant'''.* |-||@applicant.postalcode@ - ||'''Zip/Postal applicant'''.|}
==Hiring Manager Fields==
{| class="wikitable"
|+style="text-align:left"|Level 1 Field Name and Variable List
!|Field Name
||@hiring manager.firstname@
||'''First name of the hiring manager'''
||@hiring manager.lastname@
||'''Last name of the hiring manager'''
||@hiring manager.title@
||'''Title of the hiring manager'''
||'''Email address of the hiring manager'''
||'''Phone number of the hiring manager'''
||@hiring manager.address@
||'''Address of the hiring manager'''
* @hiring manager.firstname@ |- '''First name of the hiring manager'''.* ||@hiring manager.lastnamecity@ - ||'''Last name City of the hiring manager'''.* @hiring manager.title@ |- '''Title of the hiring manager'''.* ||@hiring manager.emailstate@ - ||'''Email address State/Province of the hiring manager'''.* @hiring |- '''Phone number of the hiring manager'''.* ||@hiring manager.addresscountry@ - ||'''Address Country of the hiring manager'''.* @hiring |- '''City of the hiring manager'''.* ||@hiring manager.statecountrycode@ - ||'''State/Province Country Code (2 letter abbreviation) of the hiring manager'''.* @hiring |- '''Country of the hiring manager'''.* ||@hiring manager.postalcode@ - ||'''Zip/Postal code of the hiring manager'''.|}
==Sender Fields==
{| class="wikitable"
|+style="text-align:left"|Sender Fields Variable List
!|Field Name
||'''First name of the sender'''
||'''Last name of the sender'''
||'''Name of sender company'''
||'''Email address of sender'''
||'''Phone number of sender'''
||'''Title of sender'''
||'''Current date and time format selected by the user in their personal settings - long date format'''.
* @senderfirstname@ - '''First name of In addition you can also refer to fields from the sendersuch as custom fields and company details by using '''.* @senderlastname@ - '''Last name of the sender'''.* xxxx@sendercompany@ - '''Name of sender company'''.<br />* @senderemail@ - '''These variables can be used within [[:Category:Email|Email address of sender'''.* @senderphone@ - '''Phone number of sender'''.* @sendertitle@ - '''Title of sender'''.* @now@ - '''Current date ]] and time format selected by the user in their personal settings - long date format'''[[Workflow]] messages.
== Workflow Specific Variables ==
{| class="wikitable"
!|Field Name
||'''Address of the sender'''
||'''Name of the company the sender is associated with'''
||@sender.(custom field name)@
||'''Refers to a custom field from the sender's profile'''
==Workflow Specific Variables==
The following variables can only be used in messages associated with workflows:
* @objectname@ - Name of the object in the workflow. This could be a file name, user name, company name, or an application name.
* @originatorname@ - The name of the person that originated the workflow. For example, this value could be the person that added a file to a workflow enabled SmartFolder, or the name of a person that created a new person record.
* @originatoremail@ - E-mail address of originator.
* @originatorphone@ - Phone number of originator.
{| class="wikitable"|+style=Web Form "text-align:left"|Workflow Specific Variables==List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-* ||'''@Pnobjectname@'''||Name of the object in the workflow. This could be a file name, user name, company name, or an application name.Tn|-||'''@ originatorname@'''||The name of the person that originated the workflow. For example, this value could be the person that added a file to a workflow- enabled SmartFolder, or the name of a person that created a new person record.|-||'''Question text@originatoremail@''' * ||E-mail address of originator.|-||'''@originatorphone@Pn'''||Phone number of originator.Qn|} {{Template:Signority Variables}} ==Other Variables=={| class="wikitable"|+style="text-align:left"|Level 1 Field Name and Variable List|-!|Field Name!|Variable|-||'''@ - url@'''||The URL to the company alias for SmartSimple. For example: – where XXX is the alias created by that company using the Company Setting page. If you wish to display the URL as a link you should type either: '''http://''' or '''Response valuehttps://''' in front of the reference in the instant message or e-mail template. For example: <nowiki>https://@url@</nowiki>* [|-||'''@variablenameparentlist@] '''||The full SmartSimple path to the object.|- ||'''Response variable name@apptype@'''||Will return the [[Determining the applicationid|application ID]] within the context of a given [[UTA]].|} <!--===Spreadsheet Custom Field===The data stored within a cell or range of cells on a [[Special - Spreadsheet]] custom fields can be referenced using:
For example'''Syntax:'''* Single Cell::<font size=3>@P1sps.T1@ - Page 1, question 1 text* @P1''fieldname''.Q1@ - Page 1, question 1 response value* [@firstnameB2@] - The variable name of the response of a question that asks for first name</font>
*Range of Cells::<font size=3>@sps.''fieldname''Note.A1:C1@</font>:<font size=3>@sps.''fieldname''.A1:C3@</font>
# If you use a response variable name, the variable name must be surrounded by square brackets '''[ ]Where:''' # The default variables are case sensitive when used in * ''fieldname'' is the name of the workflow. They must be in '''CAPSSpreadsheet'''custom field.-->===Select One - User Group Custom Field===The details of the members of a group stored within a [[Select One - User Group]] custom field can be referenced using the following syntax:
: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''[#(?object=group::id=@''fieldname''@) ... #]'''</span>
== Other Variables ==* ''fieldname'' is the name of the '''Select One - User Group''' field.* Replace "..." with the contact [[variables]] you wish to display. ''i.e. ~lastname~
* @url@ - The URL to role the company alias for SmartSimple. For example: – where XXX user is assigned within the alias created by that company group can be accessed using the Company Setting page. If you wish to display the URL as a link you should type: HTTP:// in front of the reference '''~role~''' in the instant message or e-mail templateabove syntax. For example: HTTP:// @url@
==See Also==* @parentlist@ - The full SmartSimple path to the object.[[Web Page View Field Variables]]
[[Category:Variables]][[Category:System Management]]