
Updating Funding Data in ORCID

21 bytes added, 23 July
ORCID offers a [ Public API] that allows organizations to connect their systems to the ORCID registry. The Public API can be used to collect authenticated ORCID iDs. ORCID Membership allows access to the [ Member API], which facilitates registration, and information exchange with ORCID records. ORCID membership is open to any organization interested in integrating ORCID identifiers. The Member API allows your systems and applications to connect to the ORCID registry, including reading from and writing to individual ORCID records with the user’s permission. Learn more at [ ORCID Membership].
This article will show you how to setup importing a user’s ORCID record as well as add and update Funding records using the ORCID API. You will need '''Global Administrator''' access to setup the ORCID integrationin SmartSimple Cloud.
==Use cases==