

21 bytes added, 22 July
Updated SmartConnect API
<!-- 163599 - No validation in API Integration - Security Risk -->
When using the update function via the SmartConnect API, the values sent will now be validated based on the field type. For example:
* A number Numeric value for a Text Box - Number field must receive numerical information.* A date YYYY-MM-DD format value for a Text Box - Date field must receive date information in * YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format value for a date format.Text Box - Date and Time* An XML format data for a Special - Advanced Data Table must receive XML data.* A JSON format data for a Special - JSON field must receive JSON data. If content is sent to the Advanced Data Table custom field in a with invalid data format that is not XML, it will be ignored. A new field error node will list the fields that failed validation for record creation and updates.
Smartstaff, administrator