

2 bytes removed, 9 July
New Support for OAUTH Authentication for SMTP Relay and Migration of Credentials to Integration Keys
<!-- 144982 - OAuth2 for SMTP relay -->
Added support for OAUTH 2.0 authentication within the SMTP Relay integration functionality. This will allow you to now configure this alternative authentication method instead of the basic authentication that was previously the only option available. To do this, go to '''Global Settings''' > '''Integrations''' tab > '''Integration Key Management''' > Click the plus icon to create a new Integration Key. In the '''Type''' dropdown, you will see two new options under the keystore category: "Basic Authentication" that represents the previously existing method for SMTP relay and the new "OAuth 2.0".
The settings for existing configurations of SMTP Relay have been updated and moved. Where previously the authorization credentials were stored in the block of SMTP Relay settings in the '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' tab, these have now been moved into the Integration Keys configuration area to better separate the management of credential secrets versus the integration behavior. After this update, you can find your authentication credentials located in the Integration Keys area as a keystore, and in the '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' tab. You simply need to select the appropriate keystore and authentication mechanism to easily manage this integration.
For clients using T2P, make sure to select the correct integration key in the SMTP relay settings located under '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' or exclude this when you T2P.
Smartstaff, administrator