
Template:Annotation Mode

5,308 bytes added, 17:54, 27 June 2024
Submit Buttons and Annotation Submission Buttons
# Select “Draft” under the '''Available to Status''' field.
# Select “Submitted” under the''' Submit to Status''' field.
# Toggle on '''Enable Confirmation Alert Message'''. Under the '''Confirmation Message''' input, enter: “Your application will be sent for review. Once sent, you will no longer be able to modify your application. Are you sure you wish to continue?”
# Toggle on '''Enable Confirmation Page'''. For '''Title''', enter “Application Submitted”. For the '''Message''' input, enter: “Thank you. Your application has been submitted and will be reviewed.”
# For the''' Redirect URL''', click the '''URL Lookup''' button (represented by the binoculars icon) to select the page the user should be redirected to after submitting their application. For the '''Button Caption''' input, enter “Back to list of applications”.
||Begin Review Process 
# Select “Submitted” under the '''Available to Status''' field.
# Select “Reviewer Assigned and Notified” under the '''Submit to Status''' field.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Role - Permissions” section, select the “Program Manager” user role for the '''Allow View''' field.
||Move to Reviewer Annotation and Review
# Select “Reviewer Assigned and Notified” under the '''Submit to Status''' field.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Role - Permissions” section, select the “Program Manager” user role for the '''Allow View''' field.
||Send Requested Revisions to Applicant
||Submit Annotation
# Select “Reviewer Annotation and Review” under the '''Available to Status''' field.
# Select “Revisions Requested” under the '''Submit to Status''' field.
# Toggle on '''Enable Confirmation Alert Message'''. Under the '''Confirmation Message''' input, enter: “Annotations will be sent to the applicant for review and amendment. Once sent, you will no longer be able to add additional annotations. Are you sure you wish to continue?”
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Role - Permissions” section, select the “Reviewer” user role for the '''Allow View''' field.
||Submit Revisions 
||Submit Annotation
# Select “Revisions Requested” under the '''Available to Status''' field.
# Select “Reviewer annotation and review” under the '''Submit to Status''' field.
# Toggle on '''Enable Confirmation Alert Message'''. Under the '''Confirmation Message''' input, enter: “Your annotations and amendments will be sent for review. Once sent, you will no longer be able to add additional annotations or make changes. Are you sure you wish to continue?”
# Toggle on '''Enable Confirmation Page'''. For''' Title''', enter “Revisions Submitted”. For the '''Message''' input, enter: “Your revisions have been submitted and will be reviewed.”
# For the '''Redirect URL''', click the '''URL Lookup''' button (represented by the binoculars icon) to select the page the user should be redirected to after submitting their application. For the '''Button Caption''' input, enter “Back to list of applications”.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Role - Permissions” section, select the “Applicant” user role for the '''Allow View''' field.
||Approve Application 
||Submit Annotation 
# Select “Reviewer Annotation and Review” under the''' Available to Status''' field.
# Select “Approved” under the '''Submit to Status''' field.
# Toggle on '''Enable Confirmation Alert Message'''. Under the '''Confirmation Message''' input, enter: “This record will be moved to approved. Once approved, you will no longer be able to add additional annotations or request changes. Are you sure you wish to continue?”
# Toggle on''' Enable Confirmation Page'''. For Title, enter “Application Approved”. For the '''Message''' input, enter: “The application has been approved”.
# For the '''Redirect URL''', click the '''URL Lookup''' button (represented by the binoculars icon) to select the page the user should be redirected to after submitting their application. For the '''Button Caption''' input, enter “Back to list of applications”.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Role - Permissions” section, select the “Reviewer” user role for the '''Allow View''' field.
||Decline Application 
||Submit Annotation 
# Select “Reviewer Annotation and Review” under the '''Available to Statu'''s field.
# Select “Declined” under the '''Submit to Status''' field.<br />Toggle on '''Enable Confirmation Alert Message'''. Under the '''Confirmation Message''' input, enter: “This record will be moved to Declined. Once declined, you will no longer be able to add annotations or request changes. Are you sure you wish to continue?”
# Toggle on '''Enable Confirmation Page'''. For '''Title''', enter “Application Declined”. For the '''Message''' input, enter: “This record will be moved to Declined. Once declined, you will no longer be able to add annotations or request changes. Are you sure you wish to continue?”.
# For the '''Redirect URL''', click the''' URL Lookup''' button (represented by the binoculars icon) to select the page the user should be redirected to after submitting their application. For the '''Button Caption''' input, enter “Back to list of applications”.
# Go to the '''Permissions & Availability''' tab and under the “Role - Permissions” section, select the “Reviewer” user role for the '''Allow View''' field.
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