

151 bytes added, 23 February
Minor Updates
===Minor Updates===
====titleNew Integration for Receiving Third-Party Data====Added the ability to send receive data from a third-party system to on a level Level 1 template page within SmartSimple templates and create the level 1 recordrecords. This enhancement may be used allows users to optimize workflows, and provides an another way to get third-party data into your SmartSimple system. Users may also opt to encrypt the 3rd party data sent to To enhance risk management and ensure compliance measures, users can also encrypt any third-party data sent. To explore see this new integration feature, navigate to '''Global Settings ''' > '''Integrations ''' tab > "'''Integration Data Receiver"'''.
<!-- 153432 - Integration Data Receiver -->
====titleDesignate Language-Specific Alternative Text for System Logos====Enhanced localization by adding Added the ability to designate language-specific alternative text for system logosto improve localization.
<!-- 152523 - Logo text missing in translation settings -->
====Open Portal Section Links in Current Window or New Modal Window====
Added ability to customize how records and links are opened within a portal section to allow system administrators greater flexibility in defining button behavior. For example, if you want users to simply verify their organization profile without extensive editing, you can choose to open the profile within a new modal window. Conversely, if you anticipate users making substantial changes or navigating away frequently, you may choose to open the profile in the main window.
 ====title====We've introduced a new feature that allows you to customize how records and links are opened within a portal section using buttons. This grants system administrators greater flexibility in defining the behavior for accessing records or links. For instance, if you want users to simply verify their organization profile without extensive edits, you might opt to open the profile in a modal window. Conversely, if you anticipate users making substantial changes or navigating away frequently, you may choose to open the record in the main window. These new open behavior options are accessible through buttons within section types like "Banner," "Text Template," and "List View."
<!-- 144909 - Add “open in” options to the portal buttons. -->
====titleNew Page-Level Help Element====A new page-level help element has been added to several pages , including: the Colors and Styles and page located under '''Global Settings''' > '''Branding''' tab. This element is being applied to new features like such as '''+AI Insight ''' and '''+AI Assistant'''.
<!-- 158593 - Page level help -->
<!-- 158909 - New Page level help files -->