

636 bytes added, 20:13, 19 October 2023
Report on Data Exchange History
==== Report on Data Exchange History ==== 
You can now report on the Data Exchange History, making it easier to report on details around package exchanges. Within the report builder you can choose the new dataset option called '''Data Exchange History''' and add columns for related details such as when the package was sent and received and what the status of the package is.
<!-- 132667 - Dataset for Data Exchange History Reporting -->
==== Updated API to allow update and get/list for Profile Model field data ====
We updated the API to allow update and get/list for Profile Model field data. When updating sf_Profile Model, data should be a jsonobject, with "node" = profilemodel jsonnode name, data should go in with node "dataobj" and then jsonobject or data, whichever schema that jsonnode has.
This is an example of how to update the profile model:
<pre> [{"recordid":"87983424","sf_Phone":"416 123 4567", "sf_Profile Model":{"node":"mytest","dataobj":{"1":"one","2":"two","3":"three"}}}]</pre>
<!-- 152787 - Profile Model JSON data update via SmartConnect API -->
Smartstaff, administrator