

2,437 bytes added, 1 February
Updated Workflow Behavior
<!-- 148245 - Make the file uploader draggable area smaller and less cluttered -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-148245.png|thumb|none|800px|The look of multiple file upload fields will change slightly in November. For example, you will be able to drag and drop files inline, instead of opening a modal window.]]
====Updated Workflow Behavior====
Updated the behavior of workflows to run in a serial, single-threaded manner where child workflows are triggered during the processing of a workflow. Previously when stepping through a workflow, if another workflow was triggered, a new thread would be created to process the child workflow simultaneously and asynchronously, as the original system thread would then return to the original workflow and continue to step through its tasks without waiting on the child workflow to complete. This could lead to inconsistent results if the system was configured to run multiple workflows against the same object, or if the order of operations of their tasks needed to be preserved, but results would vary due to race conditions of the workflows.
After this upgrade the default behavior of workflows has now been changed to instead process multiple workflows in a serial synchronous fashion so that their order of operations and behavior are more consistent and predictable. Now when a workflow triggers another workflow, the system will process all child workflows fully to completion in the original system thread rather than passing each new workflow to a new separate processing thread. This means that child workflows will be processed in a serial fashion, and their order of tasks will be preserved, before the system returns back to working on the original workflow. This may impact systems where workflows are configured to launch other child workflows, and you may now experience an increase in the runtime of such workflows. If the areas in your system that trigger multiple workflows, do so with different target objects for each of the workflows, then it should be safe for you to revert back to the previous mode of operation by enabling the new '''Run Asynchronously''' toggle that is now available inside the configuration of a workflow, and to enable this option on the initial workflows that are instantiating child workflows.
Examples and notes. After the upgrade, the task process order will be:
# If the workflow is a trigger workflow task, go to the trigger workflow
# If the connector is connected to a task, go to that task
# If the connector is connected to a workflow, go to that workflow
Workflow completion time may be affected and can vary depending on the configuration.
In general, "chained" workflows that are triggering against the same object should remain synchronous. For example, if the Level 1 record triggered workflow A and one of its task triggers workflow B on the same Level 1 record, then the workflows should remain running synchronously. Therefore, do not toggle on the '''Run Asynchronously''' option). However, if the Level 1 triggers workflow A and then one of its tasks is to trigger workflow B on all of the associated contacts on the Level 1, then this workflow can run asynchronously and the '''Run Asynchronously''' option should be enabled on workflow B to optimize performance.
<!-- 142898 - Revamp trigger workflow task -->
===Minor Updates===
The new settings can be found at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Workflows''' >''' Task''' tab > Open a task with a '''Task Type''' set to “Create New Activity”. The 3 toggles appear under '''Activity Status'''.
<!-- 148315 - Data Exchange not pulling L2s created via WF/Autoloader -->
====Updated Workflow Behavior====
Updated the behavior of workflows to run in a linear manner instead of generating new threads when the '''Run Asynchronously''' option is toggled off. This change will reduce the likelihood of two workflows running simultaneously on the same record. After the upgrade, the task process order will be:
# If the workflow is a trigger workflow task, go to the trigger workflow
# If the connector is connected to a task, go to that task
# If the connector is connected to a workflow, go to that workflow
<!-- 142898 - Revamp trigger workflow task -->
====Updated Default End Date for Level 2/3 Workflows====
<!-- 152611 - Highlight list syntax in System Performance Summary -->
* Fixed an issue with where a double alert message displaying was displayed when using a custom batch update button.
<!-- 153029 - Double alert messages when batch updating -->
<!-- 153866 - Language setting on personal settings does not work -->
====Other Changes====
* Updated email access settings located at '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Communications''' > '''Email Options and Security'''. Prior to this release, there were only disable settings for email and instant messaging access. These older settings have been replaced with two new settings, an '''Allow''' permission and a '''Deny''' permission. After this release permission will need to be explicitly granted to access email and instant message functionality.
Smartstaff, administrator