

81 bytes added, 16:57, 26 September 2023
Mandatory OneSpan Tags
||Assigns a name to the document that needs an e-signature
||<pre><!--SignatureName Document Name--></pre>
||<pre><!--SignatureName Grant Agreement--></pre>
<pre><!--SignatureName Document Name--></pre>
<pre><!--SignatureName Grant Agreement--></pre>
||The name of the document declared here will appear in various locations
||Populates the subject of the email sent to requested signees
||<pre><!--SignatureEmailSubject Place email subject text here--></pre>||<pre><!--SignatureEmailSubject A Document Requires Your Signature--></pre>
||Currently must be included but is not used.
||Defines the anchor string of the signature block
||<pre><!--SignatureBlock Anchor String--></pre>||<pre><!--SignatureBlock SignHere --></pre>
||The signature block will appear wherever the SignatureBlock anchor text is placed. Make sure you have a text string that matches the anchor string in this document. You can also fine tune the placement by adding ;;0;;-50;;250;;75;; the values correspond with left position, top position, width and height
||Defines the date string for the date stamp
||<pre><!--DateSigned String--></pre>||<pre><!--DateSigned DateSigned --></pre>
||Needs to be included in the HTML.
||Defines metadata for the target signature
||<pre><!--signature Email;SIGNER;FirstName;LastName;Index;Company--></pre>||<pre><!--signature;SIGNER;John;Smith;1;ABC Company Name, Inc.--></pre>
||This tag should be placed before the SignatureBlock anchor tag in the HTML
Smartstaff, administrator