====Example: Using Hard Code====
<code> <!--SignatureName Grant Agreement--> </code><br /><code> <!--SignatureEmailSubject Please log into OneSpan to sign the grant agreement.--> </code><br /><code> <!--SignatureBlock SignHere --> </code><br /><code> <!--DateSigned DateSigned --> </code><br /><code> <!--DynamicFormat 1 --> </code><br /><br /><code> <div style="text-align:center"> </code><br /><code> <p><strong>SAMPLE GRANT AGREEMENT</strong></p> </code><br /><code> </div> </code><br /><br /><code> <p>The undersigned Recipient hereby acknowledges and accepts the terms and conditions of the Grant as set forth above.</p> </code><br /><br /><code> <div style="margin-left:40.0px"> </code><br /><code> <table width="700px" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="left"> </code><br /><br /><code> <tr> </code><br /><code> <td> </code><br /><code> <!--signature <a href="[mailto:youremail@example.com" target="_blank">youremail@example.com</a>];SIGNER;<wbr />John;Smith;1;ABC Company Name, Inc.--> </code><br /><br /><code> <div style="float: left; color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">SignHere1</div> </code><br /><code> ______________________________<wbr />___ </code><br /><code> <div style='float:left;color:#<wbr />ffffff'>DateSigned</div> </code><br /><code> </td> </code><br /><code> <td> </code><br /><br /><code> </td> </code><br /><code> </tr> </code><br /><br /><code> <tr> </code><br /><code> <td valign="top">Name: John Smith<br> </code><br /><code> Title: Chief Executive Officer</td> </code><br /><code> </tr> </code><br /><code> <tr> </code><br /><code> <td valign="top">ABC COMPANY NAME, INC.</td> </code><br /><code> </tr> </code><br /><br /><code> </table></code>
====Example: Using Variables====