
Auto Loader

2,018 bytes removed, 14:10, 28 June 2023
Uploading Specific Files to Specific Records in Bulk
==Example autoloader configurations==
===Uploading Specific Files to Specific Records in Bulk===
The autoloader also allows you to upload specific files to specific records in bulk. Previously, if you had several files across multiple records that needed to be updated within a specific UTA, user, or company, finding each record and manually uploading those files would be tedious, especially if the files needed to be updated on a regular cycle. Now you can upload all the files in bulk and the system will unpack and distribute those files to the fields you specified accordingly.
To use this feature, follow these steps:
# Create a CSV file containing mandatory columns ('''File Name''' and '''Custom Field ID''') and the relevant identifier columns for the record type.
# Create a ZIP file that contains the files you want to upload or replace. Make sure the ZIP file and the CSV file have the same name.
# Go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Autoloaders''' > Create or edit an autoloader > Select the desired '''Processing Folder'''.
# Set the '''File Type''' to “CSV, Text”.
# Under '''Record Type''', select the desired record type you want to target ("UTA", "People", or "Company").
# Under Item, select the new “File Upload” option. If you selected a UTA as a your '''Record Type''', you will be prompted to select the desired Level 1, 2, or 3.
# Configure the column mappings as usual.
# Upload the CSV and ZIP file to the processing folder you selected in Step 3.
<u>'''Note:'''</u> This new option does not create new records or update other columns. The “File Upload” item only uploads files.
<!-- 143944 - New feature in autoloader to upload files -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-143944-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Use the new "File Upload" option to have the autoloader unpack a ZIP file and upload/replace files to specific upload fields as specified in a CSV file.]]
[[File:2023-07-ticket-143944-2.png|thumb|none|800px|The CSV file must have the same name as the ZIP file and it must specify the record ID, upload field ID, and file name.]]
===Organization autoloader===
===HR Feed autoloader===