

31 bytes added, 17:38, 22 March 2023
March 23rd 2023 (202303.03)
<!-- 147080 - Invitations don't load when there are many records -->
* Updated the word parsing feature found on the '''Upload - Single File Storage''' and '''Upload – Multiple File Storage''' fields to be able to parse an entire text document and store it in a single field. To use this feature, go the the desired settings for the field and toggle on '''Enable Word Parsing'''. Inside the '''Field Mappings ''' input, enter <code>[fieldname]=documnettext; </code> where fieldname is the name of the field where you want to store the text to. Additionally, if you only wish to parse the document body text without any header or footer information, enter <code>[fieldname]=documentbody; </code> instead.
<!-- 147088 - Word Parser - Read entire document into text field -->