
Multi-Factor Authentication

5 bytes removed, 19:18, 15 December 2022
Determining which roles can reset TOTP
:# The user may now login as normal, following the prompts on the subsequent '''Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication''' screen.
===Determining which roles can reset Which Roles Can Reset TOTP===
:# In your SmartSimple instance (logged in as Global Admin) in the '''Configuration Menu''' (9-Square Grid Icon), select '''Global Settings'''.<br /> [[Image:GlobalSettings5.png|250px]]
:# Select the '''Users''' Tab from the Global Settings.
:# Click '''Roles'''.
:# Select '''Edit''' beside the  the role that you would like to grant permission grant the ability to reset TOTP on behalf of other users. For security best practices, this role should be an internal role only.
:# Select the '''Permissions''' tab.
:# In the field '''Roles this role can reset TOTP for''', select the other roles that this role can reset TOTP on behalf of. <br /> [[Image:RolesTOTPReset.png|500px]]
:# Click '''Save''' when complete.