

74 bytes added, 15:59, 28 October 2022
Global System Upgrades
===Major Updates===
====Enforcing Deny Permissions for Portal Pages on Common Role====
Changed the behavior of the '''Deny Access ''' permission setting for pages on the '''Common ''' portal. This setting will now deny access to the portal page for any roles selected. Previously, the '''Deny Access ''' permission hid the link from view in the main header menu but the page was still accessible via a portal shortcut. If you want to hide a portal page but still allow people to access the portal page via a shortcut, toggle off '''Display As Header Link'''. To see the affected setting go to '''Global Settings ''' > '''Users ''' tab > '''Portals ''' > '''Common ''' > edit Edit a '''Portal Page ''' > '''Permissions ''' tab.
[[File:2022-11-ticket-142111-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Deny Access permission settings that will be enforced on the common role.]]
[[File:2022-11-ticket-142111-2.png|thumb|none|800px|Setting that controls visibility of portal pages in the header.]]
====Deprecated Password Variables====
We will be deprecating several password variables for security reasons in 2023. For example, sending passwords as plain text via emails is not a secure practice. If your system contains any of these deprecated variables, they will display as plain text. Deprecated variables include: <code>@password@</code>, <code>@checkportalpassword@</code>, <code>@checkactivatedpassword@</code>, <code>@randompassword@</code> and <code>@passwordresetlink@</code>. System Administrators must change existing email templates to use password activation links that will send the user to a page where the user can set their password. The syntax for password links is https://<code>@url@@activationlink@</code>. Emails that need to be updated are located at '''Menu Icon ''' > '''Global Settings ''' > '''Security ''' tab > '''Password and Activation Policies ''' > Click the ''' Activation Emails ''' tab in the left navigation. Another location where these variables may be present is on user signup pages. To find user signup email templates go to Menu icon > Global Settings > Communications > System Email Templates > Search for “New User”.
[[File:2022-11-ticket-139473-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Deprecated password variables need to be replaced or removed. For example, this Email templates was updated to use the Activation link variable.]]
<!-- 139473 - Remove ability to retrieve password on request password/new user email templates using variable syntax -->
====Updated the Transaction Type Settings Page====
Added the left navigation to the Transaction Type settings page. Specifically, the left-hand navigation now contains a tab for Template Page and Verification
Mapping. Also, the Advanced Logic setting has been renamed UTA Link Button Condition and has been moved to the bottom of the Main tab. To see these changes, go to Global Settings > Transactions tab > Types and edit a type.
<!-- 125402 - Modernize the Transaction Type pages -->
====Added Ability to Create Configuration Folder on Autoloader Pages====
Added ability to add a new configuration folder directly from the autoloader settings page. Previously, if the desired processing folder was not yet created, users would have to go to the SmartFolders to create a folder and then return to the autoloader page in order to select the newly created folder. To see this the new Create Folder button, go to Autoloaders > Edit an autoloader > General tab. The new button appears beside the Processing Folder input.
<!-- 133982 - Autoloader improvements (folder picker) -->
====Updated Breadcrumb Appearance====
Updated the look of the breadcrumb navigation to be more compact and mobile-friendly.
<!-- 126333 - Breadcrumb (hierarchical record navigation bar) on mobile phone and desktop -->
====Added Ability to Export System Email Templates====
Added a button to the system email templates page to allow for exports. To see the Export Email button, go to Global Settings > Communications tab > System Email Templates
<!-- 126880 - Need a way to easily export all system emails -->
====Added Primary Contact Option for UTA Group Emails====
Added the Primary Contact option when creating a group email from a UTA Level 1, 2, and 3 list view.
Note: On Level 2s and 3’s, this option will select the primary contact associated with the Level 1 Branch standard field. To see the new option, go to a UTA Level 1, 2 or 3 and click the Group Email button.
====Added Search to Activity List Views on Record Pages====
Added search for activity list views within a record. For example, on the Level 1 record, click on the Level 2 Activity tab to see the list view with search options. On level 2 records, click on the Level 3 Activity tab to see the list view with search options.
<!-- 130906 - Add search to left-hand menu activity list views -->
====Added Ability to use Custom Lookup Options with Dynamic Field Visibility Controls==== Added the ability to use custom lookup fields as the primary fields in Dynamic Field Visibility Controls. To set up custom lookup options, create a Select One -Dropdown List with Enable Dynamic Content and Use Custom Lookup Options toggled on. To specify a custom lookup options field, go to UTA Settings > Level 1 tab > Dynamic Field Visibility Controls > Create a new visibility control > Once saved, set the Primary Field to be the desired Custom Lookup Options field.
<!-- 133369 - Allow Dynamic Field Visibility to work with Custom Lookup Options -->
====Added Configuration Mode in View Mode==== Added ability to enter Configuration Mode when a record is in View Mode. Previously, Configuration Mode was only available when records were in Edit Mode. Configuration Mode can be found under the Tools menu for User, Company, and Level 1 record pages.
<!-- 133786 - Make Configuration mode available in view mode -->
====Added Default Page Layout Option to the Web Page View Custom Field====
Added a new setting for Special - Web Page View custom fields to allow for default or custom page layouts. It is recommended that you leave this set to the new Default option whenever possible. This ensures you always have the latest template. There is a Custom option if you want to see and modify the web page view HTML template. To see this setting, go to the settings of any web page view custom field. Under the General Settings tab, the new setting is called Page Layout.
<!-- 134367 - Default/Custom page layout option for web page view fields -->
====Added Ability to Lookup Email Templates in Group Emails====
Added ability to lookup email templates for group emails. Previously, you could select email templates using a drop down but now you can also search for email templates in the dropdown which is helpful if you have many templates. To see this feature, go to UTA > Select desired records > Click Group Email > Select users and click Next > Click the Template field to see a new lookup field. This feature is also available for group emails sent from the record contacts page.
<!-- 138069 - Enhancement - Improve Template Selection in the New Email/Message Centre -->
====Added Tab for for Failed E-Signatures to Queue====
Added a Failed tab to the E-Signatures Queue to make it easier to see any e-signature documents that failed. This allows users who’ve sent batch e-signature requests to see the status in one place instead of individually checking the status on each web page view. To see this tab, go to Global Settings > Integrations > E-signature Queue > Failed tab.
<!-- 138900 - E-signature Failed documents list -->