

4,743 bytes added, 21:22, 26 October 2022
Notes for Admins
==Notes for Admins==
====TitleAdded Version Option for Custom Fields Permissions Quick Edit====TextAdded ability to target custom fields by version when using the Permissions Quick Edit feature. To see this setting, go to UTA Settings > Level 1/2/3 tab > Custom Fields > Click the Permissions Quick Edit button in the list view button bar. <!-- 129133 - Custom Fields - Quick Edit Permissions --> ====Deprecated Damvad Analytics Integration====Deprecated Similarity Identification Integration by DAMVAD Analytics. <!-- 140279 - DAMVAD integration --> ====Added Ability to Get Translation Details in the API====Added ability to get translations using the SmartSimple API. Results are returned in an array.<!--Comment126424 - Adding of translation details to meta data --> ====Configuration Folders and Files Included in Cloning Scripts====When systems are cloned, Configuration Folders and the files within will be included in the cloning scripts.<!-- 128348 - Cloning - Include Configuration Folders and Contents and Portal Config Images --> ====Added Option to Bypass Secure Session Validation Based on IP Addresses====Added a setting called IP addresses to bypass secure session validation. This setting is only visible if Disable Secure Session Management is toggled off. This new setting allows you to keep secure session management active for all users while allowing some users to bypass this security. This setting is located at Global Settings > Security tab.<!-- 136789 - Whitelisting IP option to use with Secure Session Management --> ====Deprecated Autoloader Use HTML Table====Deprecated the Autoloader option to Use HTML Table.<!-- 140945 - Autoloader setting: html table that can be deprecated --> ====Added Metadata Mapping for Stripe Payments====When configuring payment forms of the type Credit Card (Stripe) under the Connectivity tab of a UTA, you can now define Metadata Mapping.<!-- 126287 - Stripe Payment --> ====Added Dynamic Visibility Controls to the Custom Field Search Reference====Added the ability to see Dynamic Visibility Controls in the custom field Search Reference. This makes it easier to identify the field that controls the visibility of a custom field.130177 - Show related Dynamic Field Visibility Controls in Search ReferenceAdded Error Message to Media LibraryAdded an error message in the media library that will display if a video or audio file fails to be processed. <!-- 132058 - Media library failure message and checking --> ====Added Ability to Link and Unlink Transactions with API====Added the ability to link and unlink transactions from the Level 1 and Level 2 using the SmartConnect API version 2. This gives you the ability to remove the relationship without deleting the transaction. Adding transactions to the Level 2 is also now supported. <!-- 134010 - SmartConnect API link and unlink transactions from Objects --> ====Added Ability to Limit API Access to Reports====Added ability to limit which reports can be requested with an API call. The new setting called Reports can be found by navigating to Global Settings > Integrations tab > SmartConnect API and editing an API function of the Object Type called Report.<!-- 135052 - Can we arrange API access for only 1 report? --> ====Updated Appearance of the Data Exchange Summary====<!-- Updated the look of the classic Data Exchange Summary that shows incoming and outgoing packages on UTA records. The new message can be collapsed to take up less space.132293 - Hide field --> ====Updated Notes Tab to be Hidden on Record Pages====Updated Notes tab to be hidden on records pages for users who do not have permission to view any note types.<!-- 141343 - Notes to be hidden for INNOWWIDE --> ====The Country Turkey Will Now Appear as Türkiye====Updated the Country standard field list to use the label Türkiye for the country formerly known as Turkey. Türkiye is the officially requested label for the country.<!-- 141553 - Turkey > Türkiye : Official country change name --> ====Added Support for Copy Profiles in Batch Update Buttons====Added support for Copy Profiles in custom Batch Update Buttons. To see the new option, Edit the desired list view > Batch Update Buttons tab > Edit a button of the type Copy.<!-- 141204 - Batch update button (Copy feature) does not store source ID --> ====Updated Report Builder Support====Updated Report Builder to support SS_FUNC.ADDBUSDAYS, SS_FUNC.COUNTBUSDAYS, SS_FUNC.COUNTWEEKDAYS functions.<!-- 141877 - MySQL Function Support --> ====Invalid Characters in E-signature File Names Replaced with Underscores====Invalid characters for e-signature file names will be replaced with underscores to ensure the signing process completes successfully.<!-- 142043 - Signed Contract Not Received from Adobe -->