

259 bytes removed, 15:54, 22 October 2021
Status Settings
==Status Settings==
Each status has the following settings:
===General Tab===
:* '''Status ID''' - Internal unique system ID that can be used to reference the status.
:* '''Language''' - [[Language]] each status can be defined in multiple languages.
:* '''Name''' - Name for the '''Status'''.
:* '''Caption''' - Default [[Caption|display name]] for the status.
:* '''Tooltip''' - a description to be displayed when the user moves their mouse over the caption (when displayed used the Status Indicator). This is only available on level one statuses.:* '''Display Order''' - The order that statuses are displayed in the '''Status''' combo box settings and dropdown.
:* '''[[Status Group Name|Group Name]]''' - Used in conjunction with the [[Arcadia Settings]] to mask multiple individual statuses with a single overall status.
:* '''Description''' - Any comments or notes you wish to include. '''Note:''' Description only manifests on the configuration page.
===Status and Level 1 Templates===
The final setting on this page controls the specific [[Template|templates]] for which the status is available. You can also restrict which '''Statuses''' are available to each Level 1 Template by navigating into the template itself. See [[Level 1 Templates#Associating Templates with Statuses|here]] for details.
==Status History==