
Security Settings

3 bytes removed, 19:14, 7 October 2021
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==Disable Secure Session Management==
This Global System Security Setting will disable the validation for matching session IP and browser agent, which is one part of the security features in the platform that protect against Cross Site Framing attacks.
Options if users are being randomly logged out:
# Set the network proxy to sticky sessions when communicating with SmartSimple
# Set the network proxy to bypass the proxy and just direct connect from the desktop/laptop computer to SmartSimple
# Disable the Secure Session Management setting and accept the potential risk
==Disable Login Token Check==
==Suppress Local Administrator Alert==
Toggling on will suppress e-mail notification when new Local Administrators are created. If toggled off, emails will be sent to all administrators when new Administrators are created.
Options if users are being randomly logged out:
# Set the network proxy to sticky sessions when communicating with SmartSimple
# Set the network proxy to bypass the proxy and just direct connect from the desktop/laptop computer to SmartSimple
# Disable the Secure Session Management setting and accept the potential risk
==Global Allowed File Types==
File types listed here will be allowed to be uploaded in upload fields. Leave this section empty if you'd like to allow all file types system-wide. Specify a comma separated list of extensions for file types you'd like to allow. Additional restrictions can be added on individual upload fields.
==Global CAPTCHA Validation==
'''Enabled''' and '''Disabled''' will control whether or not CAPTCHA will appear in all areas of the system. If '''Inherit''' is selected, you can choose at the signup and template page level when you want the CAPTCHA to appear. CAPTCHA will automatically appear on login and activation pages. The default CAPTCHA service is Google's reCAPTCHA.
==Countries Using Alternate CAPTCHA Service==
Countries added here will use alternate CAPTCHA services. This is only if Global Captcha Validation is set to '''Enabled''' or '''Inherit'''. The default CAPTCHA service is Google's reCAPTCHA.
[[Category:Global Settings]][[Category:Security]][[Category:System Auditing]]