

171 bytes added, 14:29, 2 March 2023
Final notes
==How can I test for usability issues?==
There are established standards called Heuristics that are used to evaluate the usability of a user interface design. You can learn more about these heuristics on in this [ this article] from the Nielsen Norman Grouparticle].
These 10 heuristics summarized below are a tool for discovering usability issues in a user interface.
==Final notes==
Whether you are making changes to your system or you have a team making changes for you, always use the above heuristics to test the effect of changes on the usability of your system. If you find an issue, bring it up with your team or call support. Most issues can be resolved through configuration, but if you encounter something that is not configuration related, talk with us so we can enhance Platform3 SmartSimple Cloud for everyone.  '''Suggested UX Sites''' *[]*[ Interaction Design Foundation]*[]
Smartstaff, administrator