

92 bytes added, 20:55, 23 September 2020
List Settings
||Heading Background
||Table Header background color. Typically a version of the of the header color at around 15% opacity. Note the header font and background color inverse when the header of a column is clicked. The sorting icons for list views are an opacity of the Heading Font, so be careful with the colors you choose to ensure you meet with accessibility standards for color contrast. You can use this tool to check font and background contrast
||Top Border
||A Display options for the line at the top of each row in the table to give differentiation between rows. Typically set to a 1px solid FFFFFF (which is white).
||Bottom Border
||A Display options for the line at the bottom of each row in the table to give differentiation between rows. Typically set to a 1px solid CCCCCC (which is a light grey).