

2,585 bytes added, 19:13, 30 January 2023
Structure of the Portal
A '''Portal '''is the [[SmartSimple]] terminology for the graphical user interface that a [[User|user]] will seesees upon login. The '''Portal '''interface will change for each user is dependent on their the [[User Role|user role]] and what you, as [[how that role has been configured by the '''Global User Administrator|System Administrator]], have configured for that role'''. This article will give you an overview of how to easily configure your portals for your users with the portal builder. We will explore what options are available when creating a portal, and provide guidance on how best to utilize these options. 
==Example of a Portal==Once a user has been [[User#Activating a User|activated]], they will be able to log into your SmartSimple instance. 
Once a user has been :: [[User#Activating a UserFile:My CSR portal.png|activated]], they will be able to [[Login Page700px|log intoborder]] your SmartSimple [[instance]]. The first page that they see is the '''Portal. '''The below image is an example All the elements of what a user's portal might look like: - such as the Main Menu links are displayed on the top header, what graphics or texts are displayed on each page, the user's personal menu items and more - are all highly configurable.
:: [[File:My CSR portal.png|900px|border]]  All the elements of a user's portal - such as what tabs are displayed on the top header, what graphics or texts are displayed on the main dashboard page, the user's personal menu items and more - are all highly configurable.  ==Portal Building – Essentials=====User Roles==='''[[User Roles Role|User roles]]''' organize or group like similar users togetherand, and in conjunction with permissions and other logic, control what people can see and do in SmartSimple. ''' User Roles ''' group like people together and are additive, meaning that a user may possess multiple roles, so roles need not be mutually exclusive. Typically, we group users on what they will be doing. Example: applicants, reviewers, and approvers, and by department: accounting, sales, partners.Before you can build a portal, you need to define user roles in your system. You can define new user roles by going to the menu icon '''Menu Icon''' > '''Roles and Security ''' > '''User Roles'''.
Please note we take a most restrictive approach when it comes to permissions, so if you set one role to deny something, it will supersede all other permissions. This means if a user has 3 roles, and 2 roles have permission to do something but the third role does not, the user will not be able to do that action. So as a general practice it is better to add permission then to deny permission on a role. This way, the more roles you have, the more you can see and do in the system.
===The Plan===
Before you start building a portal, plan out what each user will need to see and do in their portal.
Let’s use a grant applicant as an example. The grant applicant will likely need to be able to:
# See what funding programs are available and apply to those.
# See the status of their applications in progress and modify them.
# Update their profile and maybe /or their organization's profile.
# See a list of items that require their immediate attention, such as submitting a report or revising an application.
We can use the above to generate simple use cases for our sample grant applicant portal.
Now that we have '''User Roles ''' and we know what our users are going to do in the system, we can decide where we are going to create the portal.
===Common aggregated portal Aggregated Portal vs single role portals=Single Role Portals==There are two ways in which you can create a portal. You can create the portal on the Common role which is aggregated, meaning assets are shared across multiple roles, or you can create a portal on a single role. Iff If you take this path, assets will not be shared and users will need to flip between roles.
====Common aggregated portalAggregated Portal====
Creating a portal on the common aggregate role is recommended. This role is not the same as all other roles, as you did not need to create it. The common role is a construct that automatically appears in all SmartSimple system. Anything you add to the common role can be permissioned to be seen by all or some of the roles you have created in your system.
To use this option, build your portal on the common role. When you create an asset such as a section inside the common role portal, you can permission that asset to be viewable by specific roles. This way you can build an asset like a help link and share it amongst all user roles. If you need to change the help link, you change it in one place and all users will see that change. If a user has multiple roles, they will be able to see and do whatever all their roles have permission to do. Lastly, creating assets on the common role means users do not need to switch between portals using a drop down in the header, as they can always see whatever they have permission to see and do.
====Single role portalRole Portal====
This portal configuration is generally not recommended. With this option, you create a portal on each role. So, the applicant portal is built on the applicant role and the reviewer portal is built on the reviewer role. The drawback to this approach is that if you need to create a help link, you need to build it on each role. If you want to change the link you must go into each role to change it. If users have multiple roles, there is a drop down in the header that allows the user to switch between applicant and reviewer portals, but you only see one portal at a time and don’t have access to all the functionality that has been permissioned for you at one time. Although it is easy to understand and configure one portal per role, it is generally harder to maintain and provides a worse user experience, given people may have multiple roles (example I am an employee and grant manager).
===Structure of the portal=Portal==
The portal header consists of 3 elements: the Logo, the user menu and the main menu.
There are also two styles of header, the default and the compact.
 [[File:Portal-compact.png|thumb|none|500px|Default and compact headers with elementsElements of the header]]
By default, your system logo will appear in the top left of the header. This logo should be 112 pixels high by approximately 250 pixels wide in PNG format. The width of the logo can vary but the height is constant. Transparent background is recommended for your logo in case you want to have a colored background on your header.Optionally, you can choose to display an alternate logo by uploading a different logo into a SmartFolder and then choose the SmartFolder option.You can also specify a different logo from a SmartFolder for each language you support. SoFor example, users who speak Spanish can see a different logo than users who speak English.
====User Menu====
If you are using the compact header (recommended) the The user menu appears on the far right and will display your initials, name or photo. The user menu is intended to hold links that pertain to the user, such as updating the user’s profile, the user’s organization, and possibly switching the user’s language.
If you create a link here, try to keep the caption to a word or two, like “Edit Profile” or “My Profile”.
====Main Menu====
If you are using the compact header (recommended), the The main menu will appear in line with the user menu. You can have three types of content in the main menu. A single page, sections, and subtabs, which are a drop-down menu of links. Essentially you will have a combination of links and drop-down links. Each link will take the user to a location. The main menu is intended to hold links to UTAs or other specific areas of the system.
Note: keep in mind the only links that should be in the main menu are the most important links that need to be present all the time. If something does not need to be always visible you may want to make it a shortcut instead. If you do create main menu links, keep the amount of links around 5 or less for usability. More links increase cognitive strain on users so always try to keep portals simple. Also, try to keep the captions of these links to 1 or 2 words.
[[File:Portal-link-subtab.png|thumb|none|500px|Two types of main menu links the page and section or the sub tab]]
====Header style compact====The compact header style displays everything in a single line. It features consistent interactions, takes up less vertical real estate and looks more modern. We suggest you turn on this system-wide setting, but be aware it will affect all users for all roles. To enable Body of the compact header, go to menu icon > global settings > branding > toggle on Enable Compact header. [[File:Portal-compact-vs-default.png|thumb|none|500px|Compact header and default header]] ====Header style default====By default, your header will have a user menu and main menu that are separated. Some users find this confusing and cluttered so you may want to avoid this style of header. ====The body of the portal====
Inside the body of the portal, a page will be displayed. The user clicks a link in the main menu or user menu to change which page is displayed in the body of the portal. The user can also navigate to other pages from inside the page. Inside that page, you will likely have sections. Think of each section as a box or container. Inside each section, you will add content such as a list view, chart, text or shortcuts.
We recommend creating sections in single column as they will render best on all screen sizes and this provides a better experience for people using assistive technology.
==Creating a Page==Every portal is a collection of pages. To create a page for your portal, follow these steps: # Navigate to '''Global Settings''' > '''Users''' tab > '''Portals''' and edit the desired portal. Alternatively, you can also reach edit a portal by going to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Roles and Security''' > '''User Roles''' and editing a role with an activated portal. # Under the '''Portal Page''' title bar, click the plus button to add a portal page. Give your page a '''Name''' and '''Caption'''.# If you don't want to display this new page in the top header, toggle off the setting '''Display As Header Link'''. You can still reference this page in a shortcut link, but it will no longer appear in the header.  [[File:2021-07-ticket-125978-2.png|thumb|none|500px|Portal pages can be displayed or hidden in the header with the <strong>Display As Header Link</strong> toggle]] ==Creating a Section==To add sections to the page, set the '''Content Type''' to '''Sections. '''This will reveal theming options. Themes can be used to specify a certain look and feel for the portal page. Certain classic themes (such as ''Traditional'' or ''Whitepaper'') do not come with pre-made section templates. However, newer themes (such as ''Website, Overlook, Portfolio'', and ''Management'') come with additional pre-made sectiontemplates that make it easy to customize a page to be a landing page, dashboard, profile, or event page.  [[File:Portal-themes.png|thumb|none|800px|List of available page themes]]  Once a theme has been chosen, you can continue to add sections to your page in one of three ways: * Manually add sections to your page* Add sections from a layout picker* Add sections from a template picker ===Creating Sections From Layout===A layout picker allows you to designate certain areas of the page for different purposes. To create sections from the layout picker: # Click on the button pictured below labelled '''Create Sections from Layout'''. <br />[[File:Sections-from-layout.png|thumb|none|300px|Button for <strong>Create Sections from Layout</strong>]]# This will surface the layout picker where you can choose how to arrange the various sections on the page. Click the desired layout.<br />[[File:Layout Picker 3 lightbox.png|thumb|none|300px|Visual layout picker]]# Follow the prompts for each new subsection until you have completed all sections. ===Creating Sections From Template===You can also create a sections from templates that already have the section by clicking types defined. <u>'''Note:'''</u> The ''Traditional'' and ''Whitepaper'' themes do not come with pre-defined templates. # Click on the button pictured below labelled '''Create Sections from Template'''. <br />[[File:Portal-sections-from-template.png|thumb|none|300px|Button for '''Create Sections from Template''']]# This will surface the template picker where you can choose what kind of sections you want on the page. Click the desired template.# The page will refresh and you will see the predefined sections under the add '''Sections''' title bar. Click each section buttonto customize them to your needs.Inside ===Previewing a Section Theme===To change the theme for a section there are differing options based on or simply preview a theme: # Go to the '''Main Menu''' or '''User Menu''' link with the content type you selectset to '''Sections'''.# Choose the desired theme from the drop-down.# Click '''Save'''.# Go to the root of the portal using the hierarchical navigation.# Click the '''Preview''' button. You can try out different themes for each page this way. Not all  <u>'''Note:'''</u> the functionality and configuration options are differ for each theme. For example, in the ''Traditional'' theme you can render a section in split screen whereas that is not available for all typesin the ''Whitepaper'' or ''Website'' themes. ====Traditional Theme====The '''Traditional''' theme has boxes around each section. This theme enables you to fit more content inside a smaller area. Typically, you will this theme is used for people who are managing many tasks and who need to see a lot of information. [[File:Portal-default-theme-home.png|thumb|none|500px|Sample home page in the following<strong>Traditional</strong> theme]] <u>'''Note:'''</u> in the shortcut section I have toggled off margin and shadow for the shortcut section. This setting is found on the display tab of that section. ====Whitepaper Theme====The '''Whitepaper''' theme has no boxes. Everything is clean and white with extra padding, content is bigger for better visibility and text is aligned center. Typically, this theme is used for people who are doing a few simple tasks or by those who like a more modern look. [[File:Portal-default-white-paper-home.png|thumb|none|500px|Sample home page in the <strong>Whitepaper</strong> theme]]
====Website Theme====
The '''Website''' theme was designed with imagery in mind. This theme looks more like a website with graphical banners and image shortcuts. Typically, this theme is used for people like applicants or volunteers, and when you want to convey a brand feeling or tone. Learn [[how to create a website themed portal page]]
[[File:Portal-website-home.png|thumb|none|500px|Sample home page in the <strong>Website</strong> theme]]
<u>'''Note:'''</u> to create the top banner, I used a section container and uploaded a background image and set the background opacity to Low and changed the font color to white. These controls are found on the display tab of this section. Inside the sub section I created a text template and set its width to 65% so the text does not cover the image at most resolutions.
====Overlook Theme====
The '''Overlook''' theme displays a layout well-suited for dashboards and multiple columns that span the whole width of the page.
[[File:Portal-overlook-theme-home.jpg|thumb|none|800px|Sample home page with the <strong>Overlook</strong> theme]]
====Portfolio Theme====
The '''Portfolio''' theme displays a user-centric layout with a constrained width that includes a new banner.
[[File:Portal-portfolio-theme-home.jpg|thumb|none|800px|Sample home page with the <strong>Portfolio</strong> theme]]
====Management Theme====
The '''Management''' theme comes with a constrained width and is suited for multiple column layouts with rounded corners and no drop shadows.
[[File:Portal-management-theme-home.jpg|thumb|none|800px|Sample home page with the <strong>Management</strong> theme]]
===Section Settings===
====General tab====
{| class="wikitable"
||used for reference not displayed to end user
||define what kind of section this is 
{| class="wikitable"
If you are creating a section on the common role (recommended) you will see the permission tab. On this tab you specify which roles will see this section.
====Section orderOrder====
The order in which menu items appear is from left to right. You can reorder the sections by clicking the enable reorder button. Then, drag and drop rows to order your items as you desire.
====Moving a sectionSection====
After you have created a section you can move it to another location within your portal by using the move button in the submit bar.
===Choosing a section theme===Beyond choosing the layout, you can choose how you want your sections to look.There are three theme options: Default, White paper, and website. You can mix and match these themes at the page level. So, you could have a home page that uses the website theme and then another page for applications in progress that uses the white paper theme. It's easy to flip between themes and see which will work best for you.To change the theme for a section: # Go to the main menu or user menu link with the content type set to “Sections”.# Choose the desired theme from the drop-down.# Click Save.# Go to the root of the portal using the hierarchical navigation.# Click the preview button. You can try out different themes for each page this way. Note: the functionality and configuration options differ for each theme. For example, in the default theme you can render a section in split screen whereas that is not available in the white paper or website themes. ====Default theme====The default theme has boxes around each section. This theme enables you to fit more content inside a smaller area. Typically, this theme is used for people who are managing many tasks and who need to see a lot of information. [[File:Portal-default-theme-home.png|thumb|none|500px|Sample home page in default theme]] Note: in the shortcut section I have toggled off margin and shadow for the shortcut section. This setting is found on the display tab of that section. ====White Paper theme====The White paper theme has no boxes. Everything is clean and white with extra padding, content is bigger for better visibility and text is aligned center. Typically, this theme is used for people who are doing a few simple tasks or by those who like a more modern look. [[File:Portal-default-white-paper-home.png|thumb|none|500px|Sample home page in white paper theme]] ====Website Theme====The website theme was designed with imagery in mind. This theme looks more like a website with graphical banners and image shortcuts. Typically, this theme is used for people like applicants or volunteers, and when you want to convey a brand feeling or tone. [[File:Portal-website-home.png|thumb|none|500px|Sample home page in website theme]] Note: to create the top banner, I used a section container and uploaded a background image and set the background opacity to Low and changed the font color to white. These controls are found on the display tab of this section. Inside the sub section I created a text template and set its width to 65% so the text does not cover the image at most resolutions. ===Main menu section typesPage Section Types===
Once you have created a main menu link and set it to sections, you have a number of section options. Below is an overview of each section option.
[[File:Portal-section-contain.png|thumb|none|500px|Section container with a text type section inside]]
====Section in tabsTabs====
This section type is used to display multiple sections within a single section. For example, you could have a section called applications and then within that section, you could have a number of tabs such as Applications in progress, applications in review and applications funded. The user can click on any tab to see the corresponding list view. Optionally you can choose to show the record count for each tab as well as choose to have a new button and a search panel.
The text template section is used to display text-based information such as a notice, instructions or a welcome message.
==Portal Building – Advanced==
===Previewing a portal===
While building a portal you can preview your work from inside the portal builder. To do so: