
Auto Loader

416 bytes added, 19:03, 10 June 2019
* Frequency -
'''On File Upload''' - will process autoloader upon file upload
'''Scheduled''' - will allow you to specify the launch times of the autoloader everyday.
* Launch Hour - a 24-hour format on desired hours to pull from external source for processing
e.g. 07,15,23
* Process Last Completed - datestamp of the last time the autoloader was processed.
<span style="color: #ff0000;">Available after February 2019 upgrade.</span> <br/>
A new Autoloader feature that shows a new History information tab. The list includes the file name, user who uploaded the file, start time, end time, records added/updated and status of last run.<br/>
Several improvements have also been made to the scheduling of Autoloaders to ensure that they run more consistently.
==Important note about XML Files==