
Menus and Roles

489 bytes added, 18:05, 5 June 2019
Testing User Access
* You must enable the [[Menu|Menu Icon]] for each [[Role|role]] it is to be available against.
** This is primarily for '''internal '''users only, as external users would typically have their a [[portal]] configured for them with only their user menu available.
* You must select the [[Menu|menu]] items required for each [[Role|role]], even if you are going to associate the role with a [[Portal|portal]].
** Menu associated with the “everyone” role will be displayed for those permitted [[User|users]].
** Menu associated with a specific role will be displayed for the [[User|users]] with that role.** If you do not configure the '''Everyone''' menu, or place people in [[Role|roles]] with no [[Menu|menus]] associated, then [[User|users]] will not have any [[Menu|menu]] available when they log into the system. 
** If a person has more than one [[Role|role]], then their [[Menu|menu]] will be composed of all the menu items for all the roles to which they belong.
** To make menu changes across the board with all roles, the [[Portals#Common_aggregated_portal_vs_single_role_portals|Common Portal]] can be used. 
* SmartSimple [[Legacy Application Permissions| Legacy application programs]] will be displayed based on an organisation subscription to that program – access to these programs is not controlled individually by [[Menu|menu]]. You must, however, enable the '''Menu Icon''' item – all subscribed programs will be listed under this menu.
==Testing User Access==
The best To test user access, you can use the [[Emulation Mode]] feature.  Another approach for testing a new [[Role|role’s]] access to the system is to launch a new [[Browser|browser]] and log in as the [[User|user]], at the same time as you are logged in as the [[Administrator|administrator]].
Using this technique you can adjust the [[User|user]] access in the [[Administrator|administrator]] session while testing the access in the [[User|user]] session.
* '''To test multiple roles simultaneously, you must use multiple browsers (e.g. System Administrator in Chrome, Applicant in Firefox, etc) '''** The system will support the most recent browser versions, as well as some versions before the most recent update. ** You may always view the user's browser information in the user's profile, under '''Options – Login Details.''' This never exposes a password, merely the browser used to login for troubleshooting purposes. * If you are using Internet Explorer for both sessions, be sure that the ''' Tools, Internet Options, Advanced Option – Reuse windows for launching shortcuts ''' option is deselected. Otherwise the administrative and user session will merge and neither will be valid.
* Alternatively, you can use Internet Explorer for one session and FireFox for the other session.
* Don’t use FireFox for both sessions as these sessions will become mixed up.