
Importing Organisation Records

1,692 bytes added, 18:23, 13 June 2019
See Also
==Import Process Overview==
The import process consists of five steps:
* If any [[Categories|organization categories ]] are established in the [[Instance|instance]], they will appear at the top of the Import Wizard.
9. Click the mouse in the text box.
If your records were uploaded in error, you can undo the upload by looking to the menu on the left hand side. Select '''Sub-Branch, '''or the appropriate name associated on your [[Instance|instance]] for internal organizations.
[[File:Screenshot 11.png|200px175px]]
Select the newly added records from the list and select the trash can icon at the topto delete.
[[File:Screenshot 12.png]]
==Importing User Data==
Next you will use the same data but this time use the data to create the [[User|users]]. The system will use the department name in this data to determine the correct department to associate with each user. Since these are [[Internal|internal]] people you need to use the internal menu of the '''Organization Hierarchy'''.
Next 1. If you will use the same data but this time use the data to create are not in the [[User|usersOrganisation Hierarchy]]. The system will use view – select the department name in this data to determine 9-square menu icon on the correct department to associate with each usertop right of your screen. Since these are [[Internal|internal]] people you need to use the Under '''Organizations,''' select '''Organisation InternalOrganization Hierarchy.''' [[Menu|menu]]The internal records are listed on the first tab.
12. If you are not in the [[Organisation Hierarchy]] view – click Click the '''Organisationroot organization''', [[Internal]] People [[Menu|menu]]name.
2. Click the '''The [[The Root Company|root organisation''' nameorganization]] details are displayed.
The root organisation details are displayed3.Click the '"New'" button, then select '''Import Staff.'''
3. Choose the '''Import''', [[User|UsersFile:Import Staff Button.png]] [[Menu|menu]].
'''Step 1''' of the User Import Wizard is displayed.
Unless you have copied some other data to the clipboard, the same data is available to be pasted.
4. Paste the data into the '''Import Wizard'''.
[[Image:User25.png]] 5. Set the [[Role]] to '''Employee''', or another relevant role that is available.  * If a role you would like is unavailable, learn how to [[Creating User Roles|create user roles]].
6. Set the '''Column Delimiter''' to '''Tab'''.
[[ImageFile:User26Import Staff.png|650px]] 7. Check '''First Row Contains Field Names'''. [[File:Screenshot 15.png]] 7. Click the '''Analyze''' button. 8. A pop-up will appear to confirm your action. Select the '''YES''' button. [[File:Screenshot 14.png]] 9. The analyzed data of your imported records will appear. At this stage, you have the opportunity to deselect any employees you do not wish to add or edit their information such as their email addresses. At the bottom of the screen, you will see different methods to add users to the SmartSimple instance. Select one, then click '''Upload.''' [[File:user activation.png|200px]] 10. You will see your successfully imported contact records in a list. [[File:SuccessfulImportStaff.png|650px]] 10. To ensure that your internal contact records have been added, return to the '''Organization Hierarchy''' menu. By clicking the '''+''' button next to an internal organization, the associated contacts will appear.  [[File: Org Hierarchy People Added.png]] 11. If you did not previously, you may also activate users here by pressing on the lock icon next to their names. This will bring you to their profile, where you may activate them by selecting the key icon on the top right of their page.  [[File:Screenshot 16.png]] == See Also == * [[Importing Organizations or Contacts Association]]* [[Categories]]* [[Roles]]* [[User]]
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:Organizations]][[Category:Data Import]]