
Creating SmartConnect Functions

224 bytes added, 20:04, 25 April 2019
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A. When this function is used to add new record, the following parameters are mandatory: objectid, companyid or contactid, rolename or roleid.<br />
B. When this function is used to update existing association records, it can only update the role of existing association records. Mandatory parameters are objectid, companyid or contactid, rolename or roleid and associationid. When the existing record is updated to a new role, all custom fields of the association from the previous role will be deleted.<br />
If you need to change company/contact, the record will need to be deleted and then add a new record for a new association.
=====Create/Update contact associations of a Level 1=====
'''Action Type '''  - Delete<br />
'''Field List'''  -  
--Begin custom parameter --<br />
jsonrset : [{"recordid":"1924628"}]<br />
--End custom parameter--
====Delete a Single Contact Record====
'''Function Name'''  -  3.09.2 Delete Contact Record<br />
Transaction should be [[Category:Transactions | configured]] before using this API function.
====Get Transaction Record====
'''Function Name'''  -  3.1003.1 5 Get Method Sample 4: Retrieve a Transaction Recordfrom a Submission Manager L1<br />'''Description'''  - Get custom fields from  Retrieve a transaction record <br />
'''Object Type'''  -  Submission Manager - Transactions<br />
'''Action Type '''  - Get<br />
'''Field List'''  -  sf_End Date;;sf_Description;;sf_Subject;;sf_Start Date;;sf_Status;;sf_Modified Date;;sf_Updated By;;sf_Created Date;;sf_Created By;;sf_Type;;sf_Transaction ID;;sf_Object ID<br />    
====List Transaction Record====