
Auto Loader

6,024 bytes added, 14:46, 28 June 2023
Example autoloader configurations
A [[An '''Autoloader''' is a SmartSimple]] feature used to automatically upload files of import data related to [[organization|companies]], [[contact]]s and or [[Universal Tracking Application]]s.This allows you the ability to automatically update information with data from external text files which can be vital if you need to keep customer or project data in sync with an existing legacy or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.  
The '''Autoloader ''' feature provides you with the ability to automatically create/update SmartSimple information with data with data from an external text files. This feature is vital if you need to keep SmartSimple customer or project data in sync with an existing ERP or other legacy system. An Autoloader can be triggered whenever a file is added to a designated [[SmartFolder]]. These files can be added manually or uploaded automatically using A general overview of the file synchronization plug-in – [[SmartSync for Folder Synchronization|SmartSync]].process is as follows: 
* Once a file is added to the [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]]/[[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]], the autoloader Autoloader process will recognize that a file has been added and start the upload process.
* Once the file has been processed, it will not be processed a second time unless a new file of the same name is added to the folder.
* Each record from the upload uploaded file will update the associated record in the database.* A log file will be created indicates to indicate the success or failure of each record update and an email can be sent to a designated user indicating to notify them of the success (or failure) of the upload.* If a new version of the file is added to the folder, then this flag is reset and the new file will be processed.* You can create any number of Autoloaders within the system to provide for different upload processes.* An Autoloader can upload to different objects within your SmartSimple instance: [[organization|companies]],  [[contact]]s and [[Universal Tracking Application]] {{l1}} or {{l2}} data, {{l3}},[[Category:Transactions|Transactions]], [[Notes_Overview|Notes]], [[Associations/|Associations]].
Before you can deploy this =Autoloader===Prerequisites==* You must be a {{GUA}} in your [[instance]] of SmartSimple to access the Autoloader feature it and set up an upload process.* The user uploading the file must have write permissions to the folder where the file is necessary to:be stored.* You '''must''' not use the upload folder for any purpose other than uploading files, as the autoloader will attempt to process any file added to the folder.
===Creating a SmartFolder/Configuration Folder===* Define the Any [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]], where /[[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]] can be used as the upload file will be storedsource for an Autoloader.* Define the format and layout of the data file – The folder must be used '''exclusively''' for the number of columns in the upload fileAutoloader, the delimiter between each field and the field order.* Specify a field in the upload since every file that the system uploaded will use to match an upload record to an existing customer recordbe processed.* Determine if you wish to use an automated process for Incorrect files by using the SmartSync utility or manually add the incorrectly formatted files '''will be processed''' and could lead to the folderdata loss and/or creation of invalid data.
Each record in the upload '''IMPORTANT:  '''Because any file is used uploaded to update one set of fields in the entity a [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]]/[[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]] that is associated to be updated.The existing value in the SmartSimple field an autoloader will be replaced by processed, it is extremely important that the value on the field in the upload fileSmartFolder/Configuration Folder is permissioned and labelled appropriately.
==Creating a SmartFolder==* Any [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder can be used as the source for an Autoloader.* The folder must be used '''exclusively''' for the Autoloader, since every file uploaded will be processed.* Incorrect files or incorrectly formatted files '''will be processed''' so could lead to data loss and]]/or creation of invalid data.'''IMPORTANT''' Because any file uploaded to a SmartFolder that is attached to an autoloader will be processed it is extremely important that the SmartFolder is permissioned and labelled appropriately.* SmartFolders [[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]] for autoloaders Autoloaders should be permissioned such that only contacts that need to be able to upload files for autoloading are permitted to do so.* It is '''best practice''' to put all Autoloader enabled [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]]/[[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]] into a parent folder named '''Autoloader''' (with role-restricted access) to help ensure no inappropriate files are uploaded to the folder.* In creating a new [[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]], specify "Autoloader/Export Storage" as Folder Type.
===Preparing the file to upload into the autoloader===
Define the format and layout of the data file - the number of columns in the upload file, the delimiter between each field and the field order.
==Preparing the Upload File==
* You must be able to specify a unique field that will be used to link each record in the upload file to each record in the customer record. You cannot use a standard field such as customer name or phone number.
* This common field needs to be present in each record on the upload file and in each customer record. For instance, a unique account number field that you add to the customer table can be linked to the same account number field in the upload data.
6th Record|Submitted|"Normal Content again"|111-2233
* If the file has special characters, convert encoding to UTF-8.
* If columns has a number sign after the comma, always add double quotes to avoid data problem when processing the file.
==Configuration - Essentials==
These are the mandatory fields in creating a basic autoloader:
1. Essential settings in the '''General Tab'''
<ul style="margin-left: 50px;">
<li>Set the '''Loader Name'''</li>
<li>Select the '''Folder Type''': [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]] or [[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]]
<li>Click the Folder Lookup button and select the folder assigned to this autoloader</li>
<li>Select the '''File Type'''</li>
<li>Select the '''File Encoding'''</li>
<li>Define the '''Record Type''' for this autoloader</li>
<li>Select '''Item''' of the '''Record Type'''</li>
<li>Activate the autoloader</li>
2. Essential settings in the '''File Layout Tab'''
<ul style="margin-left: 50px;">
<li>Select the '''Number of Columns''' - based on the file sample to be uploaded into this autoloader</li>
<li>'''Ignore Lines''' should be 1, if the file has header in row 1</li>
<li>Select '''Field Delimiter''' from the dropdown list</li>
<li>Define the column mapping based on the field columns of the file to the '''Record Type''' fields from the dropdown</li>
<p style="margin-left: 50px;">Note that you can toggle the identifier if the file has a unique identifier.
This will ensure integrity of the data being added/updated.</p>
3. Essential settings in the '''Process Tab'''
<ul style="margin-left: 50px;">
<li>Go to the '''Create / Update Options''' section and select '''Create / Update Behaviour''' for the autoloader.</li>
<p style="margin-left: 50px;">Once all three tabs have been configured, click on '''SAVE''' button.
The autoloader is now ready to process the file that will be fed to the [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]] or [[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]] selected for this autoloader.</p>
==Configuration - Advanced==
===Column Mapping===
Once you have defined the number of fields, you define the field order to match the column order in the upload file.
: [[Image:Auto9.png|thumb|none|900px]]
* The '''number of columns''' you select determines the number of fields you can map.
* '''Identifier'''. Enable the column that you have identified as the identifier.  This is important when you are updating existing records. Single/multiple field(s) is/are required to match an uploaded record to an existing record within the system.  
* The''' Table header''' field is only required if you are using an XML or JSON file. You can fill out this section with the column headers of the file you want to upload.
* '''Field '''is selected thru a dropdown box. (see the Reference section below for information on standard field names)
<span style="font-size: medium;">'''IMPORTANT:''' </span><br />The following fields must only be included in the Autoloader field mappings if you are updating '''existing''' records. These fields '''must not''' be used when using the Auto Loader to create new records.
::* '''Company ID''' (Company Auto Loader)
::* '''User ID''' (Contact Auto Loader)
::* '''Resource ID''' (Resource Auto Loader)
::* '''Tracking ID''' ({{l2}} / {{l3}} Auto Loader)
* When using the fields above the IDs being Auto Loaded must match IDs of records present within the system.
* If used the fields should be marked as the Identifier.
* These fields would normally be used if you have extracted data from [[SmartSimple]] including those ID fields, updated the data outside of [[SmartSimple]] and wish to import the updated information.
1. If you wish to deactivate a user using the Autoloader then select the '''Disable User Login (use value of 1)''' Field option and ensure that the uploaded file has a value of 1 in the relevant cells.
2. If the Item or App Level option is set to one of the Association options then you can only have Associations ID as identifier. The system we will force the Identifier when Associations ID is selected in mapping, and will only alert them when they try to set any other columns as identifier.
===Manual/Automated Autoloader===
====Triggered by sending a file to the SmartFolder/Configuration Folder====
====Automated Schedule====
Here is a more detailed look at the automated [[Scheduler]].
<!-- 128992 - PGP encryption keys added in the Integration Key Management-->
PGP decryption is now available in the autoloader.
PGP encryption and decryption keys should be added in the [[Integration Key Management|Integration_Key_Management]] section.
To configure this setting, go to the autoloader configuration page and under the General tab go to the ''Decryption'' section, select from the dropdown list of the pgp keys to use for decrypting files before autoloader process the file.
===Uploading Specific Files to Specific Records in Bulk===
The autoloader also allows you to upload specific files to specific records in bulk. Previously, if you had several files across multiple records that needed to be updated within a specific UTA, user, or company, finding each record and manually uploading those files would be tedious, especially if the files needed to be updated on a regular cycle. Now you can upload all the files in bulk and the system will unpack and distribute those files to the fields you specified accordingly.
To use this feature, follow these steps:
# Create a CSV file containing mandatory columns ('''File Name''' and '''Custom Field ID''') and the relevant identifier columns for the record type.
# Create a ZIP file that contains the files you want to upload or replace. Make sure the ZIP file and the CSV file have the same name.
# Go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Autoloaders''' > Create or edit an autoloader > Select the desired '''Processing Folder'''.
# Set the '''File Type''' to “CSV, Text”.
# Under '''Record Type''', select the desired record type you want to target ("UTA", "People", or "Company").
# Under Item, select the new “File Upload” option. If you selected a UTA as a your '''Record Type''', you will be prompted to select the desired Level 1, 2, or 3.
# Configure the column mappings as usual.
# Upload the CSV and ZIP file to the processing folder you selected in Step 3.
<u>'''Note:'''</u> This new option does not create new records or update other columns. The “File Upload” item only uploads files.
<!-- 143944 - New feature in autoloader to upload files -->
[[File:2023-07-ticket-143944-1.png|thumb|none|800px|Use the new "File Upload" option to have the autoloader unpack a ZIP file and upload/replace files to specific upload fields as specified in a CSV file.]]
[[File:2023-07-ticket-143944-2.png|thumb|none|800px|The CSV file must have the same name as the ZIP file and it must specify the record ID, upload field ID, and file name.]]
===External Data Source===
This section allows for the configuration of an external file source if the user does not want to manually upload the file.
[[Image:Autoloader_DS1.png ]]
The '''External Data Source''' is a drop-down list with 5 options available:
Additional fields are exposed when one of these options is selected, with the exact number and type of fields dependent on the selected option.
====FTP and SFTP====
* '''Disable processing. Download file only''' - if checked then the system will only pull the file across into SmartSimple, but will not load the contents of the file
* '''Delete File from Data Source After Downloaded''' - file will be deleted from the sftp site
* '''Append Datetime Stamp to File Name''' - will append date and time when the file picked up from the sftp do not have a datestamp
<!--see ticket 18426 - autoloader FTP settings-->
* '''URL''' - the URL where the file(s) can be retrieved from. e.g. '''' or ''''
* '''Login Name''' - username to allow access to the system
* '''Login Password''' - password to allow access to the system
* '''Use Private Key''' - enable this setting when using keys as credentials to authenticate
* '''Private Key File''' - upload the private key file
* '''Path''' - exact folder location on the system where the files can be found i.e. "/" for root directory or "/in" or "/out"
* '''File Names''' - name of the files to be loaded via the Autoloader. e.g. HRFeed.csv, Payment_*.csv (Use '''*''' for wildcards in filenames. < br/>
Note that when settings are saved, a '''Verify Connection''' button will appear next to the Login Name Textbox. This button can be used to verify that the url, username, password are correct.
* '''Disable processing. Download file only''' - if checked then the system will only pull the file across into SmartSimple, but will not load the contents of the file
<!--see ticket 18426 - autoloader FTP settings-->
* '''URL''' - the URL where the file(s) can be retrieved from
* '''File Names''' - name of the files to be loaded via the Autoloader
* '''Disable processing. Download file only''' - if checked then the system will only pull the file across into SmartSimple, but will not load the contents of the file
<!--see ticket 18426 - autoloader FTP settings-->
* '''URL''' - the URL where the file(s) can be retrieved from
* '''Login Name''' - username to allow access to the system
* '''Login Password''' - password to allow access to the system
* '''Function''' - The function called by the Web Service call.
* '''Request Body''' - The content of the Web Service message to be sent to the external service.
* '''Callback''' - Method to sends the response back to the client.
<!--Upgrade May 2018 - Ticket#62753-->
* '''OData Version''' - Version of OData available from the endpoint
* '''URL''' - the endpoint of OData
* '''Login Name''' - username to allow access to the system
* '''Login Password''' - password to allow access to the system
===File Preparation===
This section allows for manipulation of the data prior to the Autoloader actually loading the data onto the system.
It is only available when the '''File Type''' is either '''CSV,Text''' or '''Fixed Length Text'''.
It is not available when '''File Type''' is XML.
===Autoloader Constraints===* You must be a {{GUA}} in your See [[instanceAutoloader File Preparation]] of SmartSimple to access the Autoloader feature and set up an upload processfor configuration instructions.* The user uploading the file must have write permissions to the folder where the file is to be stored.* You '''must''' not use the upload folder for any purpose other than uploading files, as the autoloader will attempt to process any file added to the folder[[Image:AutoFilePreparation.png]]
==InstructionsSettings Explained==
This section describes the detailed steps required to use the Autoloader. Carefully examine, using a file editor, the file that will be uploaded.
* Click the '''Autoloader''' link.
* Click the New Autoloader tab.
* Go thru each of the three tabs.
==='''General''' tab===
: [[File:Auto6b.PNG]]
'''Setting the Autoloader Name'''
===Setting the Autoloader Name===
As you can define any number of autoloaders each autoloader process must be uniquely named.
: [[File:Auto3.PNG|thumb|none|400px]]
==='''Setting the SmartFolder===Folder Type''' * Click the Select Folder Lookup button to display the Type: [[SmartFolders Overview|SmartFolder]], list  or [[SmartFolders_Overview#Configuration_Folders|Configuration Folder]]* Click the Folder Lookup button to display the list.
* Select the folder where you plan to add the file.
The folder name will be added to the Folder box.
==='''Setting the File Properties==='''  
The File Type can be a CSV,Text file, an XML file, Fixed Length, or JSON data.
: [[Image:AutoFile.png|thumb|none|400px]]
==='''Defining the Record Type==='''  
The Record type can be Company, Contact, Resource or a [[Universal Tracking Application]].
: [[Image:Auto5b.png|thumb|none|400px]]
==Additional Settings=='''Activate Autoloader'''You must set  Enable this check box for the Autoloader to execute.  '''External Data Source'''  Autoloader can be connected an external data source to pull the following additional settingsfile and move the file to the SmartFolder. :[[File:Connectiontypes.PNG|thumb|none|400px]]Select a connection type and complete the ''Schedule'' section below to specify the launch times of the autoloader everyday. 
1. '''GENERAL''' tab
: [[File:Auto6b.PNG]]* '''Loader NameFile Layout''' – set the name for the Autoloader Tab* '''Folder''' – select the SmartFolder where the file will be located* '''The File Type''' – select the file type of the file for processing* '''File Encoding''' – select the file encoding of the file for processing* '''Record Type''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select what object to process* '''Item''' – drop-down list of items from the '''Record Type'''* '''Activate''' – enables the Autoloader. Until this check box Layout section is enabled the Autoloader will not execute.* '''Connection Type''' – drop-down list that allows the user used to select determine the connection type number of columns in the external data source.* '''Frequency''' – drop-down list that allows the user to select when file and the Autoloader should be run. Options are '''On File Upload''' or '''Scheduled'''.* '''Launch Hour''' – only displayed if '''Frequency''' is set to '''Scheduled'''. Sets the time on a daily basis that the autoloader will execute. This should be a comma delimited list of the hour values in 24-hour formatField Delimiter.
2: [[Image:Auto8. png]]* '''PROCESSNumber of Columns''' tab- The number of columns you select is used to define the number of columns in the upload file, and the number of fields that can be updated in the database.** The maximum number of fields that can be updated is 100 fields in a single file.** If more than 100 fields are required, then you will need to create two upload files.* '''Ignore Lines''' - You can specify the number of rows to ignore from the beginning of the file. This can be used to ignore column headers, if they exist as the first row in any file.* '''Field Delimiter''' - drop-down list showing the delimiter options used to separate different values in the file into different columns. Will not be presented when the File Type is XML or JSON.* '''Record Node Name''' - Only presented when the File Type is XML.* '''Record Node Filter''' - Only presented when the File Type is XML.
==='''Process''' tab===
: [[Image:Auto6.png]]
* '''Workflow before loader starts''' – drop-down list that contains a list of all workflows in the system. It defaults to No and if users wants to have a workflow execute before the Autoloader adds the data to the system they should select the relevant workflow.
* '''Workflow after loader ends''' – drop-down list that contains a list of all workflows in the system. It defaults to No and if users wants to have a workflow execute after the Autoloader adds the data to the system they should select the relevant workflow.
* '''Run report after loader ends '''- drop-down list that contains a list of all reports in the system.  It will ran the configured '''Scheduled Export''' of the report.''' Frequency''' on the report should bet set to '''On Demand'''.
* '''Run sequencial Autoloader after loader ends''' – [[Linking Autoloaders]]
* '''Trigger Formulas''' – enables the triggering of any template formulas that may exist for the selected record type and item/level. If this check box is not enabled then these formulas will not execute.
* '''Delete First (use with caution)''' – all existing data will be deleted from the [[UTA]] level selected ('''This setting only applies to UTA data''').
*:* '''IMPORTANT''': Delete First is only used to delete UTA data where the data will be completely replaced with uploaded data. '''Use with caution'
* '''Send email with log when Autoloader is done''' – Sends email every time the Autoloader executes with a report of the upload process.(Note: The log file is also stored in the same folder as the uploaded file.)
* '''Send email notification when Autoloader failed to complete''' – Sends email when ftp/sftp connection failed, or when autoloader process was terminated unexpectedly.
* '''Send email with log when Autoloader has any failed records '''- Sends email when autoloader fails to complete.* '''Email Log To''' – Sets the email address who will receive a message. Multiple email addresses can be included separated by commas. 
 ====Create Options=New Record===The New Record This section of the Autoloader is used to determine how new records in the upload file should be handled.
The exact fields that are displayed vary depending on the '''Record Type''' and '''Item''' or '''List''' values previously selected.
=====Company Record / Company Item=====
: [[Image:Auto7.png]]
* '''Create/Update Behavior''' - If you wish to create new record, then enable the '''Create new or update matching record''''' check box. If you enable the other check box '''''Update only, do not create new''', existing records will be updated but new records will be rejected.
* '''Duplicate Match Behavior''' - behavior when multiple records are matched by the same identifier key.Drop-down allows user to specify the behaviour whenever multiple records are matched using the Identifier field(s).** Update Unique Match Only - will only update when one matching record is found** Update All Matches - will update all matching records
* '''Account''' – determines where in the organisational hierarchy new records should be added.
* '''Is External''' – choose this option when creating external companies under the root company.
* ''' Trigger On All Records ''' - check-box that is populated is you wish to have a workflow execute against all records, whether new records or updated records. This can be used to create companies with multiple categories.
=====Contact Record / Contact Item=====
: [[Image:Auto7b.png]]
* '''Create/Update Behavior''' - If you wish to create new record, then enable the '''Create new or update Matching record''' check box. If you do not enable the other check box '''Update only, do not create new''' existing records will be updated but new records will be rejected.
* ''' Trigger On All Records ''' - check-box that is populated is users wants to have a workflow execute against all records, whether new records or updated records. This can be used to activate users with multiple roles and to e-mail a password to newly created contacts automatically.
=====Company or Contact Record / Event or Transaction Item=====
: [[Image:Auto7c.png]]
* '''Create/Update Behavior''' - If you wish to create new record, then enable the '''Create new or update Matching record''' check box. If you do not enable the other check box '''Update only, do not create new''' existing records will be updated but new records will be rejected.
* '''Duplicate Match Behavior'''  - behavior when multiple records are matched by the same identifier key.Drop-down allows user to specify the behaviour whenever multiple records are matched using the Identifier field(s).** Update Unique Match Only - will only update when one matching record is found** Update All Matches - will update all matching records
* '''Type''' – drop-down list of all Event or Transaction types, depending on the exact '''Item''' selected. It defaults to N/A
* '''Status''' – drop-down list of all Event or Transaction statuses, depending on the exact '''Item''' selected. It defaults to N/A
* ''' Trigger On All Records ''' - check-box that is populated if users wants to have a workflow execute against all records, whether new records or updated records.
=====UTA Record / all Levels=====
: [[Image:AutoloaderNewRecordUTA.png|link=]]
* '''Create/Update Behavior''' - If you wish to create new record, then enable the '''Create new or update Matching record''' check box. If you do not enable the other check box '''Update only, do not create new''' existing records will be updated but new records will be rejected.
* '''Duplicate Match Behavior'''  - behavior when multiple records are matched by the same identifier key.Drop-down allows user to specify the behaviour whenever multiple records are matched using the Identifier field(s).** Update Unique Match Only - will only update when one matching record is found** Update All Matches - will update all matching records
* '''Type''' – drop-down list of all Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Transaction types, depending on the exact '''Level''' selected. It defaults to N/A
* '''Status''' – drop-down list of all Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 or Transaction statuses, depending on the exact '''Item''' selected. It defaults to N/A
* ''' Trigger On All Records ''' - check-box that is populated if you wish to have a workflow execute against all records, whether new records or updated records.
===File Layout===The File Layout section is used to determine the number of columns in the file, the delimiter between the columns and the use of a '''HTML table''' to display the data. : [[Image:Auto8.png]]* '''Number of Columns''' - The number of columns you select is used to define the number of columns in the upload file, and the number of fields that can be updated in the database.** The maximum number of fields that can be updated is 100 fields in a single file.** If more than 100 fields are required, then you will need to create two upload files.* '''Ignore Lines''' - You can specify the number of rows to ignore from the beginning of the file. This can be used to ignore column headers, if they exist as the first row in any file.* '''Field Delimiter''' - drop-down list showing the delimiter options used to separate different values in the file into different columns. Will not be presented when the File Type is XML or JSON.* '''Use HTML Table''' - An HTML table is very useful where imported data contains multiple records and a single record set of fields exists within SmartSimple. For example, if you wished to import multiple lines of sales information into a single text box field you would enable the HTML table feature and then map all the fields into a single field indicating the column and row delimiters. Will not be presented when the File Type is XML.* '''Column Delimiter''' - free text field to allow entry of any delimiters required to separate different values in the file into different columns. Will not be presented when the File Type is XML or JSON.* '''Row Delimiter''' - free text field to allow entry of any delimiters required to separate different values in the file into different rows. Will not be presented when the File Type is XML or JSON.* '''Record Node Name''' - Only presented when the File Type is XML.* '''Record Node Filter''' - Only presented when the File Type is XML. ===Defining the Column Mapping===Once you have defined the number of fields, you define the field order to match the column order in the upload file. : [[Image:Auto9.png|thumb|none|900px]]* The '''number of columns''' you select determines the number of fields you can map.* The '''field name''' is selected from the Field combo box. (see the Reference section below for information on standard field names)* In order for the update to succeed, a single field is required to match an upload record to an existing database record this is indicated as the Identifier field. Customer data will generally be an account number type field.* The''' Table header''' field is only required if you are using the HTML Table feature or when loading an XML or JSON file.* The '''Duplicate Match Beahviour''' drop-down allows user to specify the behaviour whenever multiple records are matched using the Identifier field(s).** Update Unique Match Only - will only update when one matching record is found** Update All Matches - will update all matching records<span style="font-size: medium;">'''IMPORTANT:''' </span><br />The following fields must only be included in the Autoloader field mappings if you are updating '''existing''' records. These fields '''must not''' be used when using the Auto Loader to create new records. * *::* '''Company ID''' (Company Auto Loader)*::* '''User ID''' (Contact Auto Loader)*::* '''Resource ID''' (Resource Auto Loader)*::* '''Tracking ID''' ({{l2}} / {{l3}} Auto Loader) ** When using the fields above the IDs being Auto Loaded must match IDs of records present within the system.** If used the fields should be marked as the Identifier.** These fields would normally be used if you have extracted data from [[SmartSimple]] including those ID fields, updated the data outside of [[SmartSimple]] and wish to import the updated information.NOTE: If you wish to deactivate a user using the Autoloader then select the '''Disable User Login (use value of 1)''' Field option and ensure that the uploaded file has a value of 1 in the relevant cells. ==Updating Account Owners====
When you are updating company type information you can automatically associate an account field to a user field in order to establish “account ownership”. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Record Type to Company and Item to company.
''For example, if the imported account file contains an employee ID field, then this can be matched to the user table – providing each user with an employee ID field.''
====Updating Account Parent====
When you are updating company type information you can automatically associate an account field to a parent account field in order to establish “company hierarchy”. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Record Type to Company and Item to company.
Result: The Account records with a Company ID IN (278520,297733,316703) will have their Parent ID changed to 349238.
====Updating Event / Transaction Parent Company====
When you are updating company type information related to an Event or a Transaction you can automatically associate an account field to a transaction or event field in order to establish a parent for the transaction. This includes using Account standard fields.
If no matches exist then you can select the required action using the '''No parent matched action''' drop-down.
* Reject Record - record is not loaded into the system
====Updating Parent Company====
When you are updating people type information you can automatically associate an account field to a user field in order to attach the user to the correct account. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Type to People.
====Updating Event / Transaction Parent User====
When you are updating user type related to a Transaction information you can automatically associate a user field to a transaction field in order to establish a parent user for the transaction.
If no matches exist then you can select the required action using the '''No parent matched action''' drop-down.
* Reject Record - record is not loaded into the system
====Branch, Company and Owner Custom Field Matching====
When you are updating UTA information you can automatically associate a standard field on the UTA with user and company fields in order to establish individual or organizational ownership. This section is only displayed at the bottom of the Autoloader page if you have set the Record Type to [[UTA]] and the Level to Level 1.
====Updating Tracking Parent====
When you are updating UTA Level 2 or 3 information you can automatically associate a field on the level 2 with a field on the level 1, or associate a field on the level 3 with a field on the level 1, in order to establish a relationship between the entities.
====Parent record match field ids====
This section allows for manipulation of the data prior to the Autoloader actually loading the data onto the system.
==File Preparation==Ad hoc upload url====This section allows is an Autoloader setting that provides a more friendly and accessible user interface for manipulation of importing data into the system as well as allowing users to verify the data prior file before uploading it to a SmartFolder for processing by the Autoloader actually loading the data onto the system. This feature is intended to be used when External Data Source is not configured.
It is only available when the '''File Type''' is either '''CSV,Text''' or '''Fixed Length Text'''[[Image:AdhocAutoload.png|100.px|border]]
It is not available when ==='''File TypeHistory''' is XML Tab===<span style="color: #ff0000;">Available after February 2019 upgrade.</span> <br/>A new Autoloader feature that shows a new History information tab. The list includes the file name, user who uploaded the file, start time, end time, records added/updated and status of last run.
See [[Autoloader File Preparation]] for configuration instructions. [[Image:AutoFilePreparationAutoloader-History.pngPNG]]
==External Data Source==* '''#''' - item numberThis section allows for * '''File''' - filename that was processed. If the configuration file is deleted from the SmartFolder, the filename will not be displayed on the list.* '''Uploaded By''' - name of an external the user who uploaded the file* '''Start Time''' - date and time the file was processed* '''End Time''' - date and time the file source if was completed* '''Added''' - number of records that were added* '''Updated''' - number of records that were updated* '''Failed''' - number of records that failed to update/add* '''Status''' - status of the process.   ** '''''Processing''''' - the user does file is currently being processed and is not want to manually upload yet complete** '''''Completed''''' - the file was successfully processed and was completed** '''''Interrupted''''' - the process was terminated i.e. GORT was terminated abruptly (someone restarted the server)** '''''Data Problem''''' - the filehas data problem i.e.pound sign at the start of the column . data with # should be enclosed in double quotes e.g. ,"another column","#111 Peter Street","another column",** '''''Connection Failed''''' - external data source connection failed** '''''No file / download file failed''''' - connection was established but no file was existing in the external data source subfolder** '''''File problem''''' ** '''''File failed pre-processing''''' ** '''''Error processing file''''' ** '''''Wrong file type''''' * '''Process ID''' - unique identifier of the process
* ==Example autoloader configurations==*: [[Image:Autoloader_DS1.png ]]* ===Organization autoloader===
The '''External Data Source''' is a drop-down list with 5 options available:===HR Feed autoloader===
Additional fields are exposed when one of these options is selected, with the exact number and type of fields dependent on the selected option.===UTA L1 autoloader===
===FTP and SFTP===* *: [[Image:AutoFTP2.PNG]]* ** Example how to use '''Disable processing. Download file only''ad hoc upload url' - if checked then the system will only pull the file across into SmartSimple, but will not load the contents of the file** '''Delete File from Data Source After Downloaded''' - file will be deleted from ===When you click on the sftp site** '''Append Datetime Stamp to Upload File Name''' - button then you will append date and time when be presented with page one of the file picked up from Ad Hoc Autoloader screen. Use the sftp do not have a datestamp<!--see ticket 18426 - autoloader FTP settings-->** '''URL''' - the URL where the Choose file(s) can be retrieved from. e.g. '''' or ''''** '''Login Name''' - username button to allow access to the system** '''Login Password''' - password to allow access to the system** '''Use Private Key''' - enable this setting when using keys as credentials to authenticate** '''Private Key File''' - upload select the private key file** '''Path''' - exact folder location on the system where the files can be found i.e. "/" for root directory or "/in" or "/out"** '''File Names''' - name of the files to be loaded via and then click the Autoloader. e.g. HRFeed.csv, Payment_*.csv (Use '''*''Upload' for wildcards in filenamesbutton.
===HTTP===* *: [[Image:AutoHTTPAdhocAutoload1.png|100.px|border]]* ** '''Disable processing. Download file only''' - if checked then the system will only pull the file across into SmartSimple, but will not load the contents of the file<!--see ticket 18426 - autoloader FTP settings-->** '''URL''' - the URL where the file(s) can be retrieved from** '''File Names''' - name of the files to be loaded via the Autoloader
===SOAP===* *: [[Image:AutoSOAP.png]]* ** '''Disable processing. Download file only''' - if checked then the system You will only pull the file across into SmartSimple, but will not load the contents of the file<!--see ticket 18426 - autoloader FTP settings-->** '''URL''' - the URL where the file(s) can be retrieved from** '''Login Name''' - username to allow access to the system** '''Login Password''' - password to allow access to the system** '''Function''' - The function called by the Web Service call.** '''Request Body''' - The content presented with page 2 of the Web Service message to be sent to Ad Hoc Autoloader screen, which provides users the external service.** '''Callback''' - Method option to sends review the response back file being uploaded, including what data us being mapped to the clientwhat field.
===OData===<!--Upgrade May 2018 - Ticket#62753-->* *: [[Image:External-OData1AdhocAutoload2.png|100.PNGpx|border]]* ** '''OData Version''' - Version of OData available from the endpoint** '''URL''' - the endpoint of OData** '''Login Name''' - username to allow access to the system** '''Login Password''' - password to allow access to the system
==Schedule==* *: [[Image:External-ScheduleIf there is no issue with the data and the mappings then click on the 'Add to SmartFolder and Autolader queue' button. You should be presented with page 3 of the Ad Hoc Autoloader screen, which confirms that the file has been successfully added to the SmartFolder.PNG]]* ** Frequency -
'''On File Upload''' - will process autoloader upon file upload '''Scheduled''' - will allow you to specify the launch times of the autoloader everyday[[Image:AdhocAutoload3.** Launch Hour - a 24-hour format on desired hours to pull from external source for processingpng|100.px|border]]
e.g. 07,15,23** Process Last Completed - datestamp of the last time the autoloader was processed.==Other considerations==
===Important note about XML Files===
If the contents of any the elements in an XML file being autoloaded contains certain special characters it will disrupt the XML structure, making the message unreadable by the receiving server. The '''less than''' symbol (<) and '''ampersand''' (&) are two primary special characters to be concerned about. When including fields that may contain those characters you should use a special wrapper so the receiving understands that they are data content and not part of the XML structure:
<firstname>Jane</firstname> <lastname>Smith</lastname> <address><![CDATA[145 Main Street]]></address> <companyname><![CDATA[Acme & Friends]]></companyname>
* It is advisable to use CDATA for any field containing text since the contents are often unpredictable.
===Note about JSON Files===
JSON format should start with a '''data''' node, as shown in the example below
==Ad hoc upload url==This is an Autoloader setting that provides a more friendly and accessible user interface for importing data into the system as well as allowing users to verify the file before uploading it to a SmartFolder for processing by the Autoloader. [[Image:AdhocAutoload.png|border|100.px]] When you click on the Upload File button then you will be presented with page one of the Ad Hoc Autoloader screen. Use the 'Choose file' button to select the file to be loaded and then click the 'Upload' button. [[Image:AdhocAutoload1.png|100.px|border]] You will be presented with page 2 of the Ad Hoc Autoloader screen, which provides users the option to review the file being uploaded, including what data us being mapped to what field. [[Image:AdhocAutoload2.png|100.px|border]] If there is no issue with the data and the mappings then click on the 'Add to SmartFolder and Autolader queue' button. You should be presented with page 3 of the Ad Hoc Autoloader screen, which confirms that the file has been successfully added to the SmartFolder. [[Image:AdhocAutoload3.png|100.px|border]]   ==Reference: Standard Field Names and Variables===
The below table can be used to compare Level 1 Standard Field terminology found in the [[UTA]], on the Autoloader, in the Database, and Variable syntax]]
==See Also==
** [[How to Add Users and Contacts]]** [[Autoloader File Preparation]]** [[Linking Autoloaders]]
[[Category:Data Import]]
[[Category:Global Settings]]