
HistoryOf function

102 bytes added, 18:27, 12 February 2019
===Available Parameters===
* {| class="wikitable"|'''Parameter'''|'''Definition'''|-|'''FIELDNAME''': |Specify the fieldname to query.* |-|'''CONDITION''': |Specify the condition you wish to search. This can be a specific field value (old or current), a date (used to specify when an update took place), or even a specific user who made an update. Available fields are : [Value], [OldValue], [UpdatedTime], [UpdatedBy].* |-|'''TEMPLATE''': |Specify how the results will be displayed. Available fields are : [Value], [OldValue], [UpdatedTime], [UpdatedBy]. Additional text can be added for clarity.* |-|'''SORTFIELD''': |Specify which parameter value to use as the sorting rule. This can be [Value], [OldValue], [UpdatedTime], [UpdatedBy].* |-|'''SORTDIRECTION''': |Specify ''asc '' (ascending) or ''desc '' (descending), to control in what order results are sorted.* |-|'''LIMIT''': |The number of matching entries to be displayed.|}
* You may leave a parameter space empty, although the double colon separators must remain in place. You must specify FIELDNAME, plus either CONDITION or TEMPLATE, at a minimum.
<pre>@HistoryOf(Status::::Changed from [OldValue] to [Value] by [UpdatedBy] on [UpdatedTime]::[UpdatedTime]::desc::1)@</pre>
===Syntax for the CONDITION fieldparameter===
When querying a numeric field type, you can use the comparison operators: >, <, >=, <=, =.
* The TEMPLATE parameter can include HTML tags for formatting assistance, such paragraph or break tags:
Smartstaff, administrator