
Advanced Custom Fields

10 bytes removed, 20:40, 17 September 2018
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* '''Calculated Field''' – Executes an expression to calculate a value and store the result in the field.
* '''Web Page View Field''' – Creates a document based on values stored in the underlying [[Entity|entity]] or entities.
* '''Upload - Multiple Files Storage Field''' – Stores a document either created through the [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Special - Web Page View|Web Page View]] field or uploaded.
==Calculated Field==
===Adding a Calculated Field===
1. Add a [[Custom Field]] Type named '''Total Compensation''' <!-- to the '''Compensation''' tab-->.
2. Set the '''Field Type''' to '''Computed - Calculated Value'''.
==Web Page View Field==
The [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Special - Web Page View|Web Page View]] field provides the ability to display a fully formatted document or web page. In constructing this type of field, HTML is used in conjunction with variables.
In this example you will create a simple letter of offer, displaying the employee’s name and address plus details of their compensation.
1. Edit the '''Letter of Offer''' field – currently set to a '''Link Upload - Single FileStorage''' field.
2. Change the '''Field Type''' to [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Special - Web Page View|Display Only – Special - Web Page View]].
===Document Options===
You control which options are available to the [[User|user]] of each [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Special - Web Page View|Web Page View]] field. Each of the selected options will add a button to the top of the [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Special - Web Page View|Web Page View]] field. The following example shows how the field will look with all options enabled:
* '''Save to Multiple File Field''' – enables the [[User|user]] to save the document as an HTML document into any multiple file type fields in the related [[Entity|entity]].
* '''Save to Local Disk''' – enables the [[User|user]] to save a local copy of the HTML document.
1. Display the '''Web Page View''' [[Custom Field|custom field]].
The document can now be printed, saved and emailed as either a PDF or an HTML document.
6. '''Close''' the window.-->
==Using the Link – Multiple Files Storage Field==The final [[Custom Fields|custom field]] type will be the '''Multiple Files Storage Field'''Field. This field stores multiple files into a single field and is used to store:
* Uploaded documents.
* Documents that are created using the [[Custom Field Type: Display Only – Special - Web Page View|Web Page View]] type field using the '''Store to Server''' option.<!--
In this case the field will be used to store the letter you previously created, but can in fact be used to store any number of documents.
3. Set the field type to '''Multiple Files Storage'''.
===Multiple Files Storage Field Options===
* '''Sort Order''' – files stored in the field can be ordered by '''File Name''', '''File Size''' or '''Update Date''' (descending).
* '''Index''' – enables file indexing and full text searching on the embedded documents.
1. Enable '''all the options'''.
If you were to create a second version of this file the name would be named V1_ and the file name.
==See Also==
Smartstaff, administrator