
Custom Field Type: Select One - Dropdown List

1,662 bytes removed, 16:25, 30 August 2018
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||The values you want to be listed in your dropdown list.
 ===Display==={| class="wikitable"|-!|Option!|Description!|Format|-!|Caption Location ||Determines the positioning and visibility of the [[caption]] relative to the field. Options include: Left of Field, Above Field, No Caption, Hide Caption. '''Note:''' this option was previously called '''Label Display'''. ([[Label {Display Options|See examples here.]])||''Not Applicable''|-!|Instructions||Text input here displays under the caption. If caption has Hide Caption enabled then any defined instructions will continue to be displayed above the input.||''Not Applicable''|-!|[[Tool Tip]]||When the user hovers their mouse pointer over the caption of a field, the text in this section will appear.||''Not Applicable''|-!|Classify as Personal Data||For use in storing personal data.||''Not Applicable''|-!|SmartFields View||Include or exclude this field from SmartField Views (@SmartFields@) or only display this field for SmartField Views. See SmartField View for further details.||''Not Applicable''|-!|SmartFields PDF Formatting||PDF formatting option when rendered from SmartFields Views.||@SmartFields@|}}
{| class="wikitable"
||''Not Applicable''
===Validation==={| class="wikitable"|-!|Option!|Description!|Format|-!|Mandatory||Selecting this option means that this field is required and must be completed.||''Not Applicable''|-!|Appear Mandatory||Makes the field appear as though it is a required field. Typically used in conjunction with browser scripts, JavaScript Validation or Submit Logic that perform validation.||''Not Applicable''|-!|Custom Validation||-||''Not Applicable''|-!|Failed {Validation Message||Message displayed if validation fails.||''Not Applicable''|}}
===Feature Options===
{| class="wikitable"