
Using Instant Messaging

40 bytes removed, 01:19, 9 September 2020
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==Using Instant Messaging==
You can also send stored messages to people within your copy of [[SmartSimple]].
* These messages are stored in the recipient’s inbox, and are also displayed in the sender’s Instant Message outbox.
* You can send an Instant Message to someone that is currently online by clicking on his or her name in the '''People Online''' list.
* If the person is not online then you can click on the Instant message Open Message Center icon for that person in the organisation chartOrganization Hierarchy, in the all [[UserInternal|usersinternal]] list or [[External|external]] contacts list.
==Sending Instant Messages==
{{GUA}}s have the ability to immediately disconnect a logged in user through the '''Instant Messaging''' application.<br />
See [[Terminate User Session]]
[[Category:Security]][[Category:View It]][[Category:Communications]]
Smartstaff, administrator