

2,195 bytes added, 13:28, 11 May 2018
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==Global System Upgrades==
===Major Updates===
====Simplified User Creation and Modification====Simplified the interface surrounding the creation and modification of user records and access. The screens and options for creating a user and setting their access have been streamlined. A new access symbol has also been introduced on user profiles to indicate whether they are enabled for login access, and to allow you to easily activate an de-activate them.<!--61124 - Improvements to user/company creation--> [[File:2018-02-ticket-61124-1.png|thumb|none|middle|500px|Simplified user access and roles options]]-->
====Updated Configuration Pages====
Updated the look and feel of various system configuration pages with the new left menu navigation. We continue to update the interface of older pages in order to give you a consistent and intuitive user experience. We've also updated some areas to use a modal window instead of the previous pop-up window. This just extends the use of modal windows to areas that haven't yet been converted. Affected areas are limited to system configuration pages used by administrators.
Please note that some options have also been re-labelled or re-located from where you're used to for improved organization and intuitiveness.
Many of these changes can be seen throughout the UTA settings pages and sub-pages.
====New Ability to Identify and Label Personal Data Fields====
***Personal Data Privacy stuffNew ability to identify custom fields as personal data and display the reason for collecting it. When configuring a custom field you will be able to flag it as a personal data field and enter in a description text for why you are collecting this data. This will be surfaced to end users as they enter the information, and allows them to easily review a summary of personal data that the system is collecting from them. This feature can be used for compliance with new GDPR guidelines.
<!--66423 - GDPR #1 PII field Identification-->
====New Ability to Attach Privacy Policies and Agreements to Sign Up Pages====
***Personal Data Privacy stuffNew ability to attach privacy policies and agreements to sign up pages. Previously, the privacy policies and agreements were limited to display upon login. However, now you can also apply these same policies to sign up pages to ensure that users consent to your agreements prior to submitting their information via a sign up page. This feature can be used for compliance with new GDPR guidelines.
<!--66427 - GDPR #2 Rights and Policies - Registration-->
====New Question Set Builder====
***New custom field type introduced, Question Set Builder in order to allow users to create their own customized field sets without being an administrator. This field type can be attributed to a UTA Level 1 record, and allows a user to edit the Level 1 record and define a set of customized questions that will then appear and manifest as regular fields on Level 2 records added to that Level 1. Consider an example use case, when you have different users that run their own Level 1 Programs, and they wish to define their own set of questions or metrics for their reporting milestone Level 2 Activities. All you have to do is create this single Question Set Builder custom field, and this will allow non-admins to create their own individual question sets that apply just to their Programs, don't affect other Programs, and don't require any further administrative configuration.
<!--66009 - Question Set Builder-->
====Updated Google Civic Integration for more Granularity====
Updated the Google Civic information integration to allow you to pull the details for each level of government separately. You can now pull the details for the state assembly, state senate, and house of representatives separately if needed. Some of the following have been newly introduced, and the full list of mapping paths is as follows:
 '''State Assembly (lower house)'''Rep Representative name: reps\lower\full_name District Name: reps\lower\district District Type: reps\lower\party'''State Senate (upper house)'''Rep Representative name: reps\upper\full_name District Name: reps\upper\district District Type: reps\upper\party'''House of Representatives'''Rep Representative name: city\offices\officials\name District Name: city\name District Type: city\offices\officials\party
<!--65950 - Legislative Information Feature - Modifications-->
====New Variables for Currency Exchange====
New variables introduced to differentiate between the name and the code of the currency and exchange currency of a record. The new variables are: listed below. @currencycode@ ( @excurrencycode@ @currencyname@ @excurrencyname@@currenycode@ will return e.g. 'USD')@excurrencycode@@currencyname@ (will return e.g. 'US Dollars')@excurrencyname@
<!--41305 - Currency Standard field variable inconsistency-->
====New Workflow Task Type for REST Posts====
***New workflow task typeavailable for Web Service - RESTful Request. We've also renamed and updated some of the settings for all the Web Service workflow tasks to simply their configuration.
<!--67458 - Add GET/POST REST services workflow tasks that are compatible with JSON-->
====New Variable Syntax to Parse JSON====
***New variable syntax available to get parse JSONformatted values. You can apply this syntax to parse the following custom field types; Single Line Text, Multiple Lines Text, Hidden Value, Variable Value, Basic Data Table. The syntax will be in the form of:  @json.''fieldname''.''node1''.''node2''...''noden''.[# ~''multi-node''~''delimiter'' #]@ Some examples below: Given: {"firstname":"Oliver"} @json.FIELD_NAME.firstname@ -> Oliver Given: {"primarycontact":{"firstname":"Oliver"}} @json.FIELD_NAME.primarycontact.firstname@ -> Oliver Given: {"users":[{"firstname":"Oliver"},{"firstname":"Chin"}]} @json.FIELD_NAME.users.[# ~firstname~, #]@ -> Oliver, Chin<!--67458 - Add GET/POST REST services workflow tasks that are compatible with JSON-->
====Updated Visibility Setting for UTA Email Tab====
Smartstaff, administrator