
Odata Overview

1,918 bytes added, 8 April
How to setup an authenticated user to consume a private OData Service
==OData Services Endpoints==
SmartSimple OData provides two endpoints (Service Root URL): Private and Public Access Endpoints.<br />Endpoints will return a list of collections available(Reports that are OData enabled).Enable [ OData Connector] to use these endpoints.
===Private Access Endpoint===
Version 3: https: //mysmartsimpleurl/OData/'''V3'''/'''pri'''/424623/Service.svc/<br />
Version 2: https: //mysmartsimpleurl/OData/'''V2'''/'''pri'''/424623/Service.svc/
===Public Access Endpoint===
If you wish data to be exposed publicly without basic authentication. Note the underlying report must be Internet and OData enabled.<br />
Version 4: https: //mysmartsimpleurl/OData/'''V4'''/'''Pubpub'''/424623/Service.svc/<br />Version 3: https: //mysmartsimpleurl/OData/'''V3'''/'''Pubpub'''/424623/Service.svc/<br />Version 2: https: //mysmartsimpleurl/OData/'''V2'''/'''Pubpub'''/424623/Service.svc/ ==How to setup OData from within SmartSimple==For '''authenticated access''', you will need to create a new user with the Web Service Client Access attribute.
# Create the new ==How to setup an authenticated user and set to consume a private OData Service==For [[JSON API (SmartConnect) Prerequisite|'''authenticated access ''']], you will need to Web Service Client create a new user with the API Accessattribute.
# Create the new user and set access to API Access.
# Set a password for this user.
For public access there is no requirement to create a user.
==Modifying Accessing a Report for Use with OData==# Edit the Report in Neo Report BuilderSmartSimple OData support requests for data via HTTP GET request.# Enable the Private and Public Endpoints exposes all collections (Reports enabled by OData Connector checkbox on the Advanced tab). # Enable the Internet Enabled checkbox Syntax below is an example to view OData records from a report named '''my_Neo_Report'''if you wish   <pre>http://mysmartsimpleurl/OData/V2/pub/424623/Service.svc/my_Neo_Report_recordshttp://mysmartsimpleurl/OData/V3/pub/424623/Service.svc/my_Neo_Report_recordshttp://mysmartsimpleurl/OData/V4/pub/424623/Service.svc/my_Neo_Report_records</pre> ==OData Primitive Data Types==Primitive type representations in XML request is based on the [[Custom Field Type IDs|Data Type]] of the [[Standard Field|Standard Fields]] / [[Custom Fields – General Information|Custom Fields]]<br />Column headers from a report with the following data to types will not be publicsuccessfully transformed in the OData Service Report: * Display Only* Link* Read Only* Store Values ==Syntax of OData Queries==1. Service Metadata Document - describes the data model exposed as HTTP endpoints by the service. <pre>http://mysmartsimpleurl/OData/V2/pub/424623/Service.svc/$metadata</pre>
==Syntax==12. Search syntax i.e. criteria on report using “???”: the URL below returns OData records with firstname equal ‘steve’ only
23. Filter for dynamical search: the URL below returns OData records with firstname equal ‘steve’ only (eq stands for equal in OData protocol)
<pre>http://localhostmysmartsimpleurl/OData/V4/pub/113424623/Service.svc/report_Neo_records?$filter=first_name +eq+steve </pre>
34. Ordering: the URL below orders by first name
45. $top and $skip, used mainly for pagination: The syntax below skips 3 records and return 2 records only (i.e. only 4th and 5th will return) <pre> http://mysmartsimpleurl/OData/V4/pub/424623/Service.svc/report_Neo_records?$top=2&$skip=3</pre>
6. $count, used to determine how many rows in a collection <pre> ?$top=2&http://mysmartsimpleurl/OData/V4/pub/424623/Service.svc/report_Neo_records/$skip=3count</pre> ==Consuming SmartSimple OData Feed==The following examples show how to consume OData. * [[SmartSimple_OData_Feed_to_Excel|Pulling OData feed to Excel]]* [[SmartSimple_OData_Feed_to_SQL_Server_Database|Import OData feed to SQL Server Database using SQL Server Integration Services]]
* Report name '''must not''' contain special characters such as question marks, underscore, number sign. Some characters, such as hyphens, are supported.* Column Headings '''must not''' contain special characters such as question marks , number sign or brackets. Some characters, such as hyphens, are supported.
* Some applications, such as older versions of MS Excel / .NET , may not support the appropriate level of TLS Encryption (i.e. https) required.
=See Also=
* [[Reports: SmartSimple Reports]]* [[OData Connector]]* [ More information on OData] [[Category:Integration]][[Category:API]]