
Email Anything

283 bytes added, 19:50, 30 November 2018
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* The syntax (@objemail@) can be used to generate a unique email address for objects in SmartSimple.
* This will attach the email as a subrecord to the record from which is has been triggered.
* The status of the email record is controlled by the '''Received Activity Status '''setting. If there is a [[Workflow]] defined on that status it will be triggered when the record is added.
* '''Support Tickets''' - A client can email a ticket directly
* '''Anonymous Email Address''' - Users can inquire about opportunities without revealing their email address - similar to what online trading-places have
==Example Usage==
You can create a [[Custom Field Type: Read Only – System Variables|Read Only – System Variables]] Custom field with the following contents:
<script>// <![CDATA[
function copyToClipboard(element) {
var $temp = $("<input>");
// ]]></script>
<span id="objEmail"><a href="mailto:@objemail@">@objemail@</a></span> <a>(Copy to Clipboard)</a></pre>
</script> <span id="objEmail"><a href="mailto:@objemail@">@objemail@</a></span> <a href="#" onclick="copyToClipboard('#objEmail')">(Copy to Clipboard)</a></pre> Clicking on the email address will open a new email with your default email program<br />
Clicking '''Copy to Clipboard''' will copy the email address to your clipboard so you can paste it (Ctrl-V) into your email program etc.
==See Also==
* [[Email Anything - Why?]]
Smartstaff, administrator