
Standard Level 1 Field List

219 bytes added, 19:11, 6 December 2017
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|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|'''Field Name'''
|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|'''[[Variable_List#Level_1|Associated Variable]]'''
| bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''AccountsField Name'''|Provides the ability to add multiple accounts to the {{l1}} item. This field is used when you need to associate multiple organizations with a single {{l1}} item. Each account will be associated with the {{l1}} item through the company bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Description'''| bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''[[RoleVariable_List#Level_1|roleAssociated Variable]].|''not applicable''
|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|'''Activity ListAccounts'''|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|The list of Provides the ability to add multiple accounts to the {{l2l1}} items associated item. This field is used when you need to associate multiple organizations with a single {{l1}} item. This list Each account will be displayed at the bottom of associated with the {{l1}} item page. This field is always required if your through the company [[ApplicationRole|applicationrole]] has {{l2}} items.|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|''not applicable''
| bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Application NameActivity List'''|A name for the bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|The list of {{l2}} items associated with a {{l1}} item – if required. If used, this name This list will be displayed in at the bottom of the title bar for that {{l1}} itempage. This field is always required if your [[Application|application]] has {{l2}} items.|@name@bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|''not applicable''
|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|'''Application Template TypeName'''|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|A combo box displaying all name for the {{l1}} [[Template|templates]] that you defineitem – if required. You If used, this name will always use this field if you have more than one type of {{l1}} be displayed in the title bar for that item.|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|@typename@
| bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''BranchApplication Template Type'''|Links bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|A combo box displaying all the {{l1}} item to the [[InternalTemplate|internal]] company [[Hierarchy|hierarchytemplates]]that you define. If You will always use this field if you want to associate a have more than one type of {{l1}} item with specific internal locations use this field. By default it is set to use a combo box, but can be configured to work as a [[Enable Branch Lookup|lookup]].bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@branchtype@
|colspan="3"|''See Also: 'Branch'''||Links the {{l1}} item to the [[Internal Branch Filter|internal]] company [[Hierarchy|hierarchy]]; . If you want to associate a {{l1}} item with specific internal locations use this field. By default it is set to use a combo box, but can be configured to work as a [[Enable Branch Lookup|lookup]]''.||@branch@
|bgcolorcolspan=#D1D0CE"3"|''See Also: [[Internal Branch Filter]]; [[Enable Branch Lookup]]'Close Date'''|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|Milestone date. You can use this for any date you need by setting the caption.|bgcolor=#D1D0CE|@closedate@
| bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Close Date'''| bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Milestone date. You can use this for any date you need by setting the caption.| bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@closedate@|-||'''Contacts'''||The ability to add multiple contacts to the {{l1}} item. This field is used when you need to associate multiple contacts with a single {{l1}} item. Each contact will be associated with the {{l1}} item through the contact assignment [[Role|role]].||''not applicable''
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Created By'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Stamp of user name that created the record.|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|''not applicable''
||'''Created Date'''||Stamp of the date and time that the record was created.|''not applicable''|@createddate@
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Currency'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Used in conjunction with Currency Exchange field to control currency conversion. See [[Currency Standard Field]].|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@currency@
||'''Currency Exchange'''||See above.||@excurrency@/@exrate@
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Customer'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|A company lookup field to link the {{l1}} item to one specific company. This standard field will accept up to 255 characters.
If you have the [[UTA_Standard_Field_Settings#Auto_Assign|Enable Auto Assign Company to this field on New Records]] setting switched off, then on save the field will be not be automatically populated with the Organization details of the current external user.
||'''Description'''||Narrative description text box.||@description@
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''End Date'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Milestone date – initially set to current date.|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@enddate@
||'''End Time'''||Milestone time – initially set to current time.||@hour(fullenddate)@:@minute(fullenddate)@
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Folders'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Provides the ability to link the {{l1}} item to a [[Smart Folder]].|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|''not applicable''
||'''Modified By'''||User that last modified the {{l1}} item.||@modifiedby@ - returns user name<br />@modifiedbyid@ - returns user id
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Modified Date'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Date that the {{l1}} item was last modified.|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@modifieddate@
||'''Owner'''||Initially a link to [[User|user]] that entered the {{l1}} item.||@owner@
|colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the setting "Enable External Owners" on the [[UTA_Settings_-_Entity|Entity tab of the UTA Settings Page]], this field will allow an [[External|external]] contact to be designated as the owner of the item.''
|colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the [[Filter Owner Based on Organization]] setting, this selection for this field will be restricted to those contacts that reside under the {{l1}} organization.
|colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the [[Filter Owner Based on Branch]] setting, this selection for this field will be restricted to those contacts that reside under the {{l1}} branch field.
|colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the [[UTA_Standard_Field_Settings#Auto_Assign|Enable Auto Assign Creator to this field on New Records]] setting, then on save the field will be not be automatically populated with the details of the current user.
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Person'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Similar to the Owner field, can be used to associate a {{l1}} item with an [[External|external]] or [[Internal|internal]] contact.|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@person@
|colspan="3" bgcolor="#D1D0CE colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the [[Filter Person Based on Customer|Filter Person Based on Organization]] setting, this selection for this field will be restricted to those contacts that reside under the {{l1}} organization.''
|colspan="3" bgcolor="#D1D0CE colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the [[Filter Person Based on Branch]] setting, this selection for this field will be restricted to those contacts that reside under the {{l1}} branch.''
|colspan="3" bgcolor="#D1D0CE colspan="3"|''If you have enabled the [[UTA_Standard_Field_Settings#Auto_Assign|Enable Auto Assign Creator to this field on New Records]] setting, then on save the field will be not be automatically populated with the details of the current user.
||'''Probability'''||This field is only required when building a custom [[Sales Tracking]] [[Application|application]] and you wish to track the probability of winning an opportunity ({{l1}} item).||@probability@
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Requirement'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Narrative description text box.|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@requirements@
||'''Revenue'''||Associates a monetary amount with the {{l1}} [[entity]].||@revenue@
|colspan="3"|''The @revenue@ variable returns the stored value with comma separators (example: 34,000.00). To return an unformatted number, without comma separators, use @revenue.value@.''
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Start Date'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|Milestone date – initially set to current date.|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@startdate@
||'''Start Time'''||Milestone time – initially set to current time.||@hour(fullstartdate)@:@minute(fullstartdate)@
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Status'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|[[Status]] setting for the {{l1}} item.|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|@status@
||'''Status Indicator'''||Enables the [[Status Indicator]] field.||''not applicable''
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Transactions'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|See [[Transactions]].|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|''not applicable''
||'''UTA Consumers''' ||||''not applicable''
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''UTA Consumers (L2)'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"| |bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|''not applicable''
||'''UTA Providers''' ||||''not applicable''
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''UTA Providers (L2)'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"| |bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|''not applicable''
||'''Workflow'''||Provides ability to attach a [[Workflow|workflow]] to the {{l1}} item.||''not applicable''
|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|'''Invitations'''|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"| Enable the [[Contact_Invitations|Invitation]] feature on the {{l1}} item.|bgcolor="#D1D0CE"|''not applicable''
 {| cellpadding="5" style="background-color:#F0F0F0f0f0f0;border-style: solid; border-width: 2px;" cellpadding="5"|-|| [[Image:Previous.png|link=Adding Standard and Custom Fields to Level 1]] &nbsp;[[Adding Standard and Custom Fields to Level 1]]|| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|| [[UTA Standard Field Settings]] &nbsp;[[Image:Next.png|link=UTA Standard Field Settings]]
[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]][[Category:Standard Fields]]