
Creating a Portal Interface

1,087 bytes added, 18:04, 14 July 2017
Creating a Portal Interface
* '''Category''' – the category that the shortcut should be grouped under.
* '''Order''' – the display order of the icons in the [[Portal|portal]]. Icons are displayed left to right and top to bottom.
* '''Style''' - either '''Icon''' or '''Aggregate'''
The '''Icon''' option is the traditional icon based shortcut. The following settings are associated with this style:
* '''Icon Type''' – the type of icons you wish to use. Click on the ''Show'' button to choose the icon from a selection page.
* '''Icon''' – the specific icon taken from the icon type.
* [[URL]] – the link to the item. See also [[Report URL|Determining the URL of a report]].
* '''Visibility Condition. ''' - allows you to use conditional logic to determine whether or not this icon is visible::''See [[Visibility Condition]] for examples'' The '''Aggregate''' option allows configuration of a shortcut to a list view. The shortcut would display an aggregate calculated from the list view (eg. sum, count, avg) and can link to access the actual list view. The following settings are associated with this style: * '''System List View''' – select List View that will be used for Aggregate section.* '''Aggregation Column''' – select column in List View that will be used in calculating aggregate* '''Aggregation Type''' – Sum, Count or Average* '''Number Format''' – Comma, Currency, Abbreviation, None* '''Precision''' – select precision option* '''Link to list view''' – Aggregate will link to list view if clicked * '''URL''' – Aggregate will link to URL if clicked * '''Visibility Condition''' – allows you to use conditional logic to determine whether or not this icon is visible
::''See [[Visibility Condition]] for examples''
If the [[Portal design]] is either Classic or Contemporary then the selected shortcuts are displayed in the main pane of the window and also displayed as icons in the left navigation pane.
If the [[Portal design]] is Arcadia X then the selected shortcuts will be dependent on the configuration of the [[Arcadia X - Building a Role Based Portal|Action tabs]].   
==See Also==
Smartstaff, administrator