
Creating a Role Based Portal

2,633 bytes removed, 12:18, 13 July 2017
You can create a simplified interface for a [[Role|role]] by using the [[Portal]] interface. [[ImageREDIRECT:Rbp2.png]] ==Comparison between Menu and Portal Interfaces== The following table outlines the key differences between the two interfaces. {| border="1"|'''Feature'''|'''Administration'''|'''Portal'''|-|Navigation|Left Panel contains menu items.|Icons displayed in main panel and also optionally displayed in the left panel. Left panel icons can be suppressed.|-|Interface title|n/a|Portal title associated with the role is displayed next to the uploaded company image.|-|Home button|Left navigation below uploaded company image.|Top right of the window. Home button takes user back to Portal Icons.|-|Logout button|Left navigation below uploaded company image.|Top right of the window.|-|Personal Settings Link|Above uploaded company image.|Below uploaded company image.|} ==Steps to Create a Portal== A [[Portal]] interface is created using the following steps:* Click the [[Portal]] button in the [[Role|Roles]] list for the required role.* Add each icon and narrative text required.* Most [[SmartSimple]] functions are selectable through the '''Shortcut List''' within the [[Portal]] screen, but other links can be manually added and associated with an icon and narrative text.* A small wrench symbol is displayed to the left of the [[Portal]] button in the '''Role List''' view once Creating a portal has been established for that [[Role|role]].* The [[Portal]] interface is automatically displayed to [[User|users]] in the associated [[Role|role]], and the [[Administration Interface|administration interface]] will no longer be displayed.* If the [[User|user]] is in multiple [[Role|roles]] with associated [[Portal|portals]], then a combined portal will be displayed. Duplicate icons from each [[Role|role]] are not displayed.* The [[Portal]] interface is never displayed to Global or Local [[Administrator|Administrators]]. If a [[User|user]] is an administrator and has other [[Role|roles]] with associated [[Portal|portals]], these are accessed through the '''Applications''', '''My Portal''' [[Menu|menu]].* You must enable an associated [[Menu|menu]] item for the associated '''Portal Shortcut''' to function. If you do not, the system message – '''function not available please contact system administrator''' – will be displayed to the [[User|user]]. If you want the portal [[User|user]] to see the people on-line feature, you must enable the '''People on-line''' menu for the role. There is no portal icon that represents this feature. ==See Also==* [[Portal design]] [[Category:Roles]][[Category:System Management]]
Smartstaff, administrator