
Stripe Payment Processor

642 bytes added, 16:44, 6 March 2018
Configure the Stripe Payment form
Stripe is a scalable, secure, and flexible online e-payment application. The Stripe integration enables the processing of payments without the need for complex payment gateways, merchant accounts or PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliance. This integration is ideal for clients who have online payment requirements.
=Configuring Strip Stripe Payment=
The configuration process involves the following steps:
* Go to the Settings - Connectivity tab for the relevant UTA
* Click on the Payment Form Settings link. You are presented with a list of all configured Payment Forms.
* Click on the '''New Stripe Payment Form''' tab.
* You will be presented with the New Payment Form screen.
**Invoice Fully Paid Status: status applied to the level 2 if the receipt is for the full amount
**Currency: currency used for the payment
**Protect Amount Field: If enabled, the amount field in the payment form will display as read only in currency format
* Click Save when the fields have been populated.
The custom field for the Stripe payment should ideally be created as a [[Custom Fields|Custom Field]] on the level 2 record.
The field should be a [[Custom Field Type: Special – Browser Script|Browser script]] with a Trigger Type of '''On Demand'''and the Button field populated appropriately.
The Javascript should be populated with the text below, but with the FORMID value replaced with the Form ID of the relevant Payment Form.
var new_window;
new_window ='/billing/bc_stripepayment.jsp?token=@pay_encoded_token@&payform=FORMID','Pay Stripe', 'menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=400,height=300,status=no,resizable=yes,top=200,left=200,dependent=yes,alwaysRaised=yes');
new_window .opener = window;
new_window .focus();
When you then access the relevant level 2 record you should see the field and associated button.
When the button is clicked then the Payment Form should launch, with the option to enter an amount value and to then click to "Pay with Card".
When the "Pay with Card" button is clicked then screen launches to permit secure entry of payment details.
[[Category:Integration]] [[Category:External Services]] [[Category:Payments]]
Smartstaff, administrator