
Custom Field Type: Special - Advanced Data Table

69 bytes removed, 19:22, 8 December 2016
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=== Create XML with dynamic number of rows ===
In '''Using XMLs Section Builder''' above, we saw how you create a static [[File:xmlDynamic.png|The dynamic XML (XML with a defined number of rows). You can choose to let the user define the number of rows they will get. You do this by entering '''0''' for the number of rows. When you enter '''0''' for number of rows the user will get a plus button where they can choose to add as many rows as they need. |500px|border]]
[[File:xmlDynamicYou can choose to let the user define the number of rows they will get. You do this by entering '''0''' for the number of rows. When you enter '''0''' for number of rows the user will get a plus button where they can choose to add as many rows as they need.png|The dynamic XML|500px|border]]
Note even Even though you set the number of rows to '''0''' you still need to configure one row of data which will be used to format the dynamically created rows. You may also set a maximum number of rows for a dynamic XML section.
When creating a dynamic XML if you click into any column header, you will notice a property called '''Has Total'''. Check '''Has Total''' if you want to automatically sum and display all the items in that column.
=== Display XML sections ===
The XML Data custom field has an XSL Template option, which defines how the XML will be displayed.
[[File:xml-xsl.png|The XSL template|500px|border]]
XSL stands for Extensible Style Sheet Language; the XSL template defines how the XML will look. To make this easy we have included a sample template. All you have to do is add the template and specify where you want each section to appear. This is done on the field and not in the section builder.
Smartstaff, administrator